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[ 2007-06-08 13:25 ]

Welcome to Chapter 6.


You've almost completed the revising stage of the Writing Process.


In the previous three chapters, you learned how to make

l         your documents complete

l         your paragraphs cohesive

l         your sentences clear and concise.


In this chapter, you'll finish the revising stage as you learn how to make your sentences courteous (the last "C").


l         Plan  

l         Organise 

l         Draft  

l         Revise




By the end of this chapter, you'll be able to

l         write courteous sentences

l         revise sentences to make them courteous.


You'll also continue to revise the letter you're writing to Mr Perry.


Being Clear and Concise: A Quick Review 


Do you remember how to make your writing more clear and concise?


To review, look at the 6 example sentences below. They are neither clear nor concise.


Match each sentence with one of the writing problems below.


Please see me as soon as possible.


The information was sent to you yesterday.


If you contact one of our CSOs she can help you apply for a PIL.


Please kindly come to our information counter.


If we all cooperate together we will have greater success in the coming future.


Please come to your nearest branch to discuss the loan process with our manager and then you can apply for it and it should be processed by the end of the month.


Unspecific information

Passive voice instead of active


Old-fashioned expression

Unnecessary words

More than 1 idea in each sentence


Being Courteous: How To Do It 


Whenever you write a memo, letter, fax or e-mail, you need to remember that all your readers (including your colleagues) are your "customers".


To provide excellent customer service, you need to be courteous.


To write courteously, remember the 4 "Ps".

l         be Polite

l         be Positive

l         be Personal

l         be Professional.




(来源:中国物流论坛 实习生江巍 英语点津 Annabel 编辑)



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