M: Who the hell they think they are. I report to the PM, even he is smart enough not to ask me what we do. They always seem a bunch of self-righteous arse covering pricks. They don't care what we do, they care what we get photographed doing. And how that, how could that Bond be so stupid? I gave him 00 status, he celebrated byshooting up an embassy. Is the man deranged? And where the hell is he? In the old days, if an agent did something that embarrassing, he had the good sense to defect. Christ, I missed the cold war. You've got a bloody cheek!
Bond: Sorry, I will shoot the camera first next time.
M: Or yourself. You stormed into an embassy; you violated the only absolutely inviolate rule of international relationships. And why? So you could kill a nobody . We wanted to question him, not to kill him. For God's sake, you are supposed to displace some kind of judgment.
Bond: I did it. I thought one less bomb maker in the world will be a good thing.
M: Exactly, one bomb maker. We are trying to find out how an entire network of terrorist groups is financed, you gave this one bomb maker hardly the big picture , wouldn't you say? The man is not even a true believer. He is a gun-for-hire. Thanks to your over developed trigger finger, we have no idea who hired him and why. And how the hell did you find out where I lived.
Bond: The same way I found out your name. I thought M was a random assigned letter. I've no idea it stood for...
M: Utter one more syllable and I will have you killed. I knew it was too early to promote you.
Bond: I understand 00s have a very short life expectancy. So your mistake will be short lived.
M: Bond, this is maybe too much for a blunt instrument to understand but arrogance and self-awareness seldom go hand-in-hand.
Bond: So you want me to be half-monk half-hitman.
M: Any thug can kill. I want you to take your ego out of the equation and to judge the situation dispassionately. I have to know I can trust you and you know who to trust. Since I don't know that, I need you out of my sight. Go and stick your head in the sand and think about your future, because these bastards want your head and I am seriously considering feeding you to them. And Bond, don't ever break into my house again.
Bond: Ma'am
1. Shoot up
这个短语的意思很好理解,就是"用子弹打出窟窿,用枪威胁或者制造破坏",例如:I liked the scene in which the cowboy stomps into the saloon, gets drunk, and shoots the place up.
Shoot up 还可以表示"不计后果的随意扫射",例如:Cowboys were shooting up the town.
2. Have the good sense
这里的意思是"have the intelligence"。似乎间谍们若做了什么embarrassing 的事情,通常的解决方法是"叛逃"。
3. Bloody cheek
这个片语的意思是"have a lot of nerve",即"very bold, overly, take too many liberties过分大胆"。Bloody 在这里做"该死的,非常的"解,而cheek 指"厚颜无耻"。
4. Storm into
意思是"To move or rush tumultuously, violently, or angrily 猛冲",例如:John stormed into the room. 大家要把这个词学起来,在写作中要表示"跑进"可以不止用run,语言要富于变化,文章才会有魅力。
5. Nobody
指的是"A person of no importance or influence小人物,没有影响或无足轻重的人",例如:He is just a nobody.
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