扩大内需 propel/expand domestic demand
[ 2009-03-06 09:53 ]

"Most members agree that the country should adopt further measures to propel domestic demand and stimulate consumption," Zhao said. To that effect, he said CPPCC representatives are keen to see how the country's $586 billion economic stimulus package is used.
在上面的报道中,propel domestic demand就是指“扩大内需”,还可以说成expand domestic demand。Domestic demand即指“国内需求”。Domestic除了可以表示“国内的”,还常用来指“家庭的”。最近的domestic and foreign news(国内外新闻)讲了不少domestic violence(家庭暴力)事件。Susan is a very domestic sort of woman.(Susan是个十足的家庭妇女),平时也有很多domestic troubles(家庭纠纷),看到这些担心极了。
Propel常用来表示“推进、鼓励”,例如to use oars to propel boats(用桨划船)。而expand则用来表示扩展,扩张。Jim是个a person propelled by ambition(受野心驱策的人),总不甘心于现状。开会时,他抓住机会expand his view(阐述自己的观点),论述了possibility of expanding trade(扩大贸易往来的可能),并且expand his short report into a long one.(把他的简短陈述扩展为长篇报告)。
(实习生 许雅宁,英语点津 Helen 编辑)
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