中国日报网 2014-10-30 08:55
From Nov. 3 to 12, Beijing will restrict the use of private vehicles based on even- and odd-numbered license plates, and 70 percent of cars belonging to local governments, public institutions, social groups and state-owned enterprises will not be allowed to be used during the period.
为了缓解道路交通压力,减少污染物排放,北京市近几年一直对私家车实行尾号限行政策(traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers),更为严格的单双号限行措施(traffic restrictions based on even- and odd-numbered license plates)则可以更大幅度减少每天上路的车辆,多在重大活动期间采用,比如2008年奥运会以及即将到来的APEC会议周。
11月3日至11月12日工作日7时至9时、17时至20时,进京的外省、区、市机动车(non-local vehicles)禁止在北京市五环路以内道路(含五环路)行驶。运输土方或渣土车辆、危险化学品运输车辆(vehicles transporting construction waste or dangerous chemicals)、持有黄色环保标志的车辆(yellow-label vehicles),11月3日至12日,全天禁止在北京市行政区域内道路行驶。
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)