中国日报网 2015-02-17 15:44

春节临近,越来越多的民众在网上给中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平送上“春联”(Lunar New Year scrolls),为他“点赞”(likes)。

A netizen using the name Tianyaduomei initiated the activity in December on the website of China Central Television. The goal was to collect 2015 Lunar New Year's scrolls for Xi. The activity has received many "likes" by netizens. Through the end of January, the main online post had received 300,000 visits.
记者梳理网民编撰的春联发现,“反腐”(anti-corruption)、“打虎”(fighting of tigers)、“改革”(reform)、“法治”(rule of law)等成为高频词。
有分析认为,这是因为习近平上任两年多来,其力度空前的反腐败和作风建设(work style),以及雄心勃勃的改革计划,获得了民众的高度评价。
中国社科院新闻与传播研究所网络学主任孟威表示,近年来,民众可感的改革成果(fruits of reform),使新媒体平台(new media platform)(微博、微信、论坛等)形成了一种积极向上、极富活力的“新兴舆论场”。新媒体让领导人与民众间的距离被显著拉近,不仅为党和政府沟通群众架设了桥梁(create a bridge between the Party and the goverment and ordinary people),也为党和政府服务群众搭建了新的平台。
(中国日报网英语点津 丁一)