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CHINADAILY手机报 2017-04-05 15:48


2. 流动儿童
migrant children


Only 80% of migrant children who qualify for nine-year compulsory education in China as of 2014 could attend public schools where their parents live, according to a report.

28日,21世纪教育研究院发布了国内首本流动儿童蓝皮书(Blue Book of Migrant Children)。蓝皮书指出,我国有超过200万外来务工人员子女(children of migrant workers)未能进入父母现居住城市的公办小学或初中就读(enroll in public primary or junior schools in the cities where their parents live)。

目前,我国尚未制定全国统一的有关农民工随迁子女(children of rural migrant workers who live in cities with their parents)学前教育(preschool education)的管理规范,也未将其纳入基本公共服务(basic public services)范畴。截至2014年年底,城市义务教育阶段流动儿童(migrant children)在公办学校就读比例为79.5%,其余的流动儿童只能在民办学校(private school)或者条件简陋的打工子弟学校(poorly constructed school set up specifically for migrant children)就读。蓝皮书给出的数据显示,2015年10月,全国流动人口总量达2.47亿,作为流动人口子女的流动儿童和留守儿童(left-behind children)这两个群体总数约1亿人。

2014年,致力于改善流动儿童生活的非政府组织(nongovernmental organization dedicated to improving the lives of migrant children)"新公民计划(New Citizen Program)"发布的一份报告显示,流动儿童的数量增长迅速。2000年,全国18岁以下流动儿童(migrant children under 18 years old nationwide)的数量为1980万,2010年,该数字增至3580万。出版该蓝皮书的社会科学文献社社长谢寿光表示,由于我国正朝建设小康社会的目标迈进(work toward the goal of building a moderately well-off society),应对流动儿童的生存现状和教育(living conditions and education)予以更多关注。


优质教育 high-quality education

教育改革 education reform

失学 discontinue schooling

农村义务教育 rural compulsory education

流动人口 mobile population

户籍人口 registered population

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