中国日报网 2018-07-26 11:23


A unified national medical insurance service, from which both urban and rural residents enjoy equal benefits, will be in place by 2019, said the state medical insurance administration.
Each citizen receives the minimum 490 yuan from the government in his or her medical insurance account a year on average and is required to deposit 220 yuan from his or her pocket. Both figures are 40 yuan higher than 2017.
通知明确,巩固完善异地就医住院费用直接结算工作(direct settlement of hospitalized expense in places away from one's hometown),妥善解决农民工(migrant workers)和“双创”人员异地就医问题,为城乡居民规范转外就医提供方便快捷服务,减少跑腿垫资。
医联体建设 to establish medical treatment partnerships to promote effective cooperation and coordination between different types of medical institutions
远程医疗 telemedicine
预约诊疗 medical service pre-registration
疑难高发癌症治疗 treatment of difficult and high-incidence cancer
医保支付方式 models of health insurance payment
现代医院管理制度 modern hospital management system
医疗、医保、医药联动改革 the coordinated reform of medical services, health insurance, and the medicine industry
公立医院 public hospitals
民办医疗机构 private hospitals
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)