BBC Learning English 英语教学



小测验 — 和 “动物” 有关的英语表达



每年的十月四日是 “世界动物日 World Animal Day”,设定这一节日的初衷是倡导人们善待、关爱并保护动物。有不少英语表达中都包含和特定动物有关的词语,但这些说法的含义通常出乎人们的意料。试做下面小测验中的六道题目,看看你对六个常用 “动物” 词汇的掌握程度。

1. Animals that are happy to be around humans are ______.

a) wild

b) tame

c) relaxed

d) friendly

2. Wild animals that are born in a park or zoo rather than in nature are born ______.

a) in captivity

b) on captivity

c) for captivity

d) of captivity

3. What do we call someone who studies animals?

a) a vet

b) an animalist

c) a zoologist

d) a botanist

4. Which is the animal idiom that means you've told a secret?

a) You've bet on the wrong horse!

b) You're like a bull in a china shop!

c) You've let the cat out of the bag!

d) You're barking up the wrong tree!

5. Which animal makes the sound 'moo'?

a) a horse

b) a cow

c) a pig

d) a goat

6. What is the adjective for animals that live in or near water?

a) arboreal

b) domesticated

c) feral

d) aquatic


1) b, 2) a, 3) c, 4) c, 5) b, 6) d.

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