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Cooking classes for elderly men 专为老年男性开设的烹饪班



Cooking classes for elderly men 专为老年男性开设的烹饪班


有关 “taking care of somebody 照顾人” 的词汇


What generation of men in particular in Britain have never learned to cook?


Frank, cookery student
I really have to look after her.

弗兰克 烹饪班学生

Frank and Marion have been married for 63 years.


Frank, cookery student
I’m her carer. And she’s not a well lady.

弗兰克 烹饪班学生

Marion used to do most of the cooking but she has Alzheimer’s disease – the most common form of dementia – so that’s becoming harder. So Frank has been going to cooking classes run by Age UK, Barnet, aimed at men who, like Frank, would like to cook but have never learned.  

过去多是玛丽昂下厨,但因为她现在患有阿兹海默症,即最常见的失智症类型,做饭对她来说变得越来越难。所以,弗兰克近期参加了由慈善机构 “Age UK” 在巴尼特区开办的烹饪课,此课程面向弗兰克这样从没学过但想要开始做饭的男性。

Cookery student
My wife passed away three years ago and I’ve relied entirely on her capabilities as a wife and a cook.


Nancy runs the class voluntarily.


Nancy Nelson, Age UK volunteer
You’ve got a whole generation of men out there this particular age – between 70s and 80s, even up to 90 – who’ve never learned to cook. That was the generation that didn’t do it. So they come to these classes, they get some skills, they get some company and they have a bit of fun as well.

南茜·尼尔森 “Age UK” 志愿者

There are classes like this across the UK but Age UK would like to offer more – a way of tackling loneliness and boosting healthy eating.

英国各地都有类似的烹饪班,但 “Age UK” 想提供更多服务,以解决老年孤独和促进健康饮食的方法。

Frank, cookery student
If it wasn’t for this, I would be absolutely useless at home. I can now do my share of cooking at home, take a weight off my wife’s shoulders. And really, it’s the greatest thing that’s happened to me in years.

弗兰克 烹饪班学生

What’s it like now Frank’s been going to these cooking classes?


Marion, cookery student's wife
Well, it’s very good actually because it’s good experience for him.

玛丽昂 烹饪班学生弗兰克的妻子

Do you have a favourite dish he can now cook?


Marion, cookery student's wife
Chicken, I think. Chicken.

玛丽昂 烹饪班学生弗兰克的妻子


look after (somebody) 照顾(某人)

carer 护理员

relied on 依靠、依赖

take a weigh off somebody's shoulders 令某人感到如释重负


Apparently, women still do the vast majority of cooking in the average British household. 76% of the women who took part in a survey by BBC Good Food magazine said the task would generally fall to them.

根据调查,在普通英国家庭中,女性仍承担绝大部分下厨的责任。在参与由《BBC 美食》杂志开展的调查的女性中,有76%的人说这项任务通常会落在她们身上。


According to Age UK volunteer Nancy Nelson, a generation of men between 70 and 90 years old have never learned to cook.



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