每日一词∣文化和自然遗产 cultural and natural heritage
中国日报网 2019-06-12 09:03

6月8日是 2019年“文化和自然遗产日”。陕西省延安市举行了一系列“文化和自然遗产日”主场城市活动。全国4296家国家重点文物保护单位和5354家博物馆也开展相关活动展现文物保护方面的突出成绩。
In the host city of Yan'an in northwestern Shaanxi province, a series of events was organized to celebrate the Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, which falls on June 8 this year. Other events were also launched across China to represent significant achievements of cultural relic protection at 4,296 national key cultural relic protection sites and 5,354 museums.

History and culture are the soul of a city and people should cherish the city's historical and cultural heritage as their own lives.
intangible cultural heritage
cultural relics and historic sites