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中国日报网 2020-01-01 09:00


日本年度汉字 Kanji of the year

The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation, or JKATF, announced on Thursday that "rei' was the public's top choice, reaping 30,427 votes among 216,325 suggestions received through online surveys and postcards.


Comments from voters indicated that the main reason for their choice was the new era name,"rei" is the first of two characters in the name of the new imperial era, Reiwa, that began this year with the enthronement of Emperor Naruhito.

The character also features in terms like 法令改正 (hōrei kaisei), the “legal revision” that bumped the consumption tax rate from 8% to 10% on October 1, and 避難命令 (hinan meirei), the “evacuation orders” that reached many residents when typhoons or other natural disasters threatened their communities.


The Kyoto-based Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation has run the competition every year since 1995.


Japan has chosen the symbol meaning "disaster" to define the year 2018.

"North" won in 2017, and "gold" in 2016 after the Rio Olympics.


人类非物质文化遗产名录 the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

日前在哥伦比亚波哥大举行的联合国教科文组织会议上,泰式按摩被列入人类非物质文化遗产名录(the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity)。



The practice has its roots in self-care in Thai peasant society of the past, [where] every village had massage healers whom villagers would turn to when they had muscle aches from working the field.


根据联合国教科文组织的定义,非物质文化遗产(Intangible Cultural Heritage)包括口头传统(oral traditions), 表演艺术(performing arts), 社会惯例(social practices),仪式(rituals), 节日活动(festive events), 与本土或全球有关的知识及惯例(knowledge and practices concerning native and the universe)或者制作传统工艺品的知识和技能(the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts)。

除了这里提到的人类非物质文化遗产名录(the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity)以外,还有一个类别是“急需保护的非物质文化遗产名录(the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding)”,入选的项目都是急需采取保护措施,以继续存活并传承下去的项目,比如:我国的木活字印刷术(wooden movable-type printing)。


Unlike conventional massages, Thai massages involve a lot of movement and typically sees people assuming a series of different positions.

Therapists use not only their hands but sometimes their forearms and knees to apply pressure. There is also no oil involved in Nuad Thai massage.


Irish harping

Celestinian forgiveness in Italy

The Carnival of Podence in Portugal

Silat self-defence in Malaysia


常住人口 permanent population



The blue book shows that Beijing's permanent population has dropped for two consecutive years while getting much older. Meanwhile, the capital's subcenter, Tongzhou district, has seen more population growth since Beijing has been shifting noncapital functions to neighboring areas.

In addition, the blue book finds that the capital's migrant population has been declining since 2015. In 2018, it had fallen to nearly 7.65 million, down 3.74 percent year-on-year.



常住人口(population of long-term residents/permanent residents population)指经常居住在某一地区的人口,包括常住该地而临时外出的人口,不包括临时寄住的人口(temporary residents excluded)。目前世界上大多数国家都把居住半年以上作为判别常住人口的时间标准。

户籍人口(household registered population)是指公民依照《中华人民共和国户口登记条例》已在其经常居住地的公安户籍管理机关登记了常住户口的人。这类人口不管其是否外出,也不管外出时间长短,只要在某地注册有常住户口,则为该地区的户籍人口。

现有人口(current population)指在规定的标准时点上,居住在某一地区的全部人口。

蓝皮书预计“北京市常住人口规模2020年控制在2300万人以内(plan to cap its permanent residents population at 23 million by 2020)”的目标能够实现。


The juvenile population, made up 10.52 percent of the total last year, while people age 65 and older, accounted for 11.21 percent.



In 2018, nearly 40 percent had a college undergraduate education or higher, according to the report.

2019年中国媒体十大新词语 Top 10 media buzzwords




夜经济 nighttime economy

夜经济指从当日18时至次日凌晨所发生的,以当地居民、工作人群、游客为消费主体,以购物、餐饮、娱乐、休闲等服务消费为主要形式的经济活动(business activities between 6 pm and 6 am in the service sectors including shopping, catering, entertainment and leisure)。

夜经济可以提高设施使用率、激发文化创造、增加社会就业、延长游客滞留时间、提高消费水平、带动区域发展,是城市消费的“新蓝海”,为当前经济发展注入了新动能,被称为“中国经济新兴活力源(new impetus for China's economy)”。

5G元年 epoch-making year for 5G

2019年,是当之无愧的“5G元年”。6月6日,中国移动、中国联通、中国电信三大运营商和中国广电获颁5G牌照(5G licenses)。此后约5个月的时间里,8.6万座基站(base stations)开始发射5G信号,20款5G手机终端入网测试,5G产业链进一步成熟。11月1日,三大运营商5G套餐(5G data plans)正式启用,5G开始真正走进人们的生活。

极限施压 exert maximum pressure

极限施压意为施加最高限度的压力,一般指中美贸易战以来,美国通过加征关税等(impose tariffs)方式对我国施加压力,进行贸易霸凌(trade bullying)。中美贸易问题应在平等和相互尊重的基础上妥善解决。运用极限施压的手段,只会加剧贸易摩擦(trade friction),无助于问题的解决。

止暴制乱 bring violence and chaos to an end

国家主席习近平在巴西利亚出席金砖国家领导人第十一次会晤时,就当前香港局势明确指出,止暴制乱、恢复秩序是香港当前最紧迫的任务(it remains the most pressing task for Hong Kong to bring violence and chaos to an end and restore order)。这既清晰宣示了中央政府对香港局势的基本立场和坚定态度,也为当前香港工作指明了方向和路径。

接诉即办 handling a complaint upon receipt

接诉即办指北京市为促进基层民生服务(to improve services for the people's livelihood at the primary level)而采取的一种重要举措和创新机制,即以12345市民服务热线为主渠道的群众诉求快速响应机制(quick response mechanism)。通过该机制,找准了服务群众“最后一公里”的痛点和难点,大大提高了为民办事的效率,真正回应群众的诉求,提升了群众的幸福感和获得感。

夸夸群 praise group

夸夸群指一种以“全方位地用华丽的辞藻疯狂地夸奖吹捧(overwhelming compliments and praise)”为主要内容的微信群。在夸夸群中,群成员可以享受到“夸人服务”,获得各种花式的称赞。这既是一种新兴的社交模式,也反映当今部分网民的一种情感需要。

支持者认为,赞美的话是正能量,能让人增加信心(boost confidence),减轻压力(relieve pressure);反对者则称,夸张的互相吹捧,会让人盲目自信,甚至迷失自我(lose themselves)。

基层减负年 the year to reduce burdens on community-level officials

2019年3月,中共中央办公厅印发的《关于解决形式主义突出问题为基层减负的通知》,将2019年作为“基层减负年”,旨在贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示批示精神,解决一些困扰基层的形式主义问题(the practice of formalities for formalities' sake),切实为基层减负,激励广大干部担当作为、不懈奋斗。这表明了党中央坚定不移全面从严治党(comprehensively strengthen Party discipline)、持之以恒狠抓作风建设的坚定决心。

冰墩墩/雪容融 Bing Dwen Dwen/Shuey Rhon Rhon

2022年北京冬奥会和冬残奥会吉祥物(mascots for the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics)。“冰墩墩”意喻敦厚、健康、活泼、可爱,象征着冬奥会运动员强壮的身体、坚韧的意志和鼓舞人心的奥林匹克精神。

“雪容融”中的“雪”,象征洁白、美丽,是冰雪运动的特点(indicative of the snow and ice of winter sports);“容”,意喻包容、宽容、交流互鉴(inclusiveness, tolerance and mutual learning);“融”,意喻融合、温暖(integration and warmth),相知相融。“容融”,表达了世界文明交流互鉴、和谐发展的理念,体现了通过残奥运动创造一个更加包容的世界和构建人类命运共同体的美好愿景。

杀猪盘 pig-butchering scam/romance scam

一种网络诈骗(online fraud)方式,指诈骗分子在以恋爱交友为手段获取被害人信任后,伺机将其拉入博彩理财等骗局(win the trust of victims through a romantic relationship before tricking them into a gambling or financing trap),骗取受害人钱财。不同于其他骗局的“短、平、快”,杀猪盘最大的特点是放长线,这个过程犹如把猪养肥后再宰杀,故称。

乡字号/土字号 bucolic brands/agriculture business names

乡字号特指乡村特色产品品牌。2019年6月,国务院在《关于促进乡村产业振兴的指导意见》中明确提出,要实施农业品牌提升行动(a government initiative aiming to foster brands for agricultural products or services),鼓励地方培育品质优良、特色鲜明的区域公用品牌,引导企业与农户等共创企业品牌,培育一批“土字号”“乡字号”产品品牌。


国际茶日 International Tea Day

第74届联合国大会12月19日通过决议,将每年5月21日定为“国际茶日(International Tea Day)”。


The resolution invites the international community to observe International Tea Day in an appropriate manner and in accordance with national priorities, through education and activities aimed at raising public awareness of the importance of tea for, inter alia, rural development and sustainable livelihoods.


Tea production and processing constitutes a main source of livelihoods for millions of families in developing countries, and tea constitutes the main means of subsistence for millions of poor families who live in a number of least developed countries.

Tea production and processing contributes to the fight against hunger, the reduction of extreme poverty, the empowerment of women and the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, it added.

The tea industry is a main source of income and export revenues for some of the poorest countries and, as a labor-intensive sector, provides jobs, especially in remote and economically disadvantaged areas.

爱国爱澳 loving the motherland and loving Macao

Macao's economy registered the fastest growth and livelihoods witnessed the biggest improvement over the past two decades, President Xi Jinping said at a welcoming banquet hosted by the Macao SAR government. "The past 20 years are also a period that saw Macao compatriots share dignity of the great motherland and enjoy the greatest sense of glory," said Xi.

The Macao practice of "one country, two systems" has new commendable aspects: "Loving the motherland and loving Macao" becoming a core value of the whole community, the authority of the Constitution and the Basic Law being firmly upheld, the executive-led system functioning smoothly, Macao actively integrating itself into the national development, and social inclusiveness and harmony creating great power to unite the people of Macao.


Macao compatriots have a tradition of patriotism, as well as a strong sense of national identity, belonging and national pride, which is the most important reason for Macao's success in the "one country, two systems" practice.

年度字词 character and word of the year



“Stability” was chosen as the hottest Chinese character related to domestic topics this year, while the phrase that swept the country was “me and my motherland”.

The hottest character related to international topics was “difficulty”, and the hottest phrase related to international topics in 2019 was “trade frictions”.


The campaign received thousands of suggestions from netizens nationwide since it started on Nov 20.

Many of the submissions related to domestic and international issues, but the dominant influencing factor was the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in October.



我和我的祖国 me and my motherland

金色十年 golden decade

学习强国 study to make our country stronger

中美经贸磋商 China-US trade talks

最美奋斗者 the most outstanding contributors

硬核 hardcore

垃圾分类 garbage sorting

先行示范区 pilot demonstration area

基层减负年 the year to reduce burdens on community-level officials

我太南了 What am I supposed to do?

急救设备 first-aid equipment


The country needs to establish and improve the pre-hospital emergency system to provide "timely, standard and effective" first-aid services for patients in emergency situations, in danger, or with a critical illness, says the draft law.

《健康中国行动(2019-2030年)(Healthy China Initiative)》提出,完善公共场所急救设施设备配备标准,在学校、机关(government institutions)、企事业单位(enterprises and public institutions)和机场、车站、港口客运站、大型商场、电影院等人员密集场所配备急救药品、器材和设施(first-aid kits),配备自动体外除颤器(AED)。

The draft calls on medical and health care government offices and social organizations to carry out first-aid training and promote related knowledge to the public. It also encourages medical workers and people trained in first aid to actively participate in emergency services in public places.


The draft calls for more efforts to promote mental health education, psychological assessments, psychological counseling and psychological treatment services.

It also stipulates the establishment of psychological assistance hotlines for the public and the improvement of mental health services for key groups such as minors, people with disabilities and the elderly.


The draft also adds that schools must offer sports and health care courses in accordance with the regulations and encourages organizations to open their sports venues and facilities to the public.









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