中国日报网 2020-01-03 11:36


College students who fall into debt as a result of using peer-to-peer lending platforms cannot be included in a list of dishonest debtors, China's top court said on Thursday.
校园贷(campus loans)始于2014年,到2015年迎来爆发式增长,但因随后爆发的“裸贷(loans secured against nude photos)、收费混乱(illegal charges)、暴力催收(forcible debt collection)”等负面事件备受舆论质疑。2017年,银监会、教育部、人社部、互联网金融委员会等发布通知,禁止违规机构向大学生提供校园贷服务。
失信被执行人(defaulter),是指被执行人具有履行能力而不履行生效法律文书确定的义务,俗称“老赖”。最高人民法院先后于2013年建立了网上的“老赖”黑名单系统(online blacklist of defaulters)。
The blacklist publishes personal details, including names and identity card numbers, of individuals and legal representatives of companies who refused to comply with court orders to shame them into compliance.
2014年底,最高法正式开通“总对总”网络查控系统(information monitoring network),与银行以及公安部、交通部、工商总局、人民银行等单位实现联网,可以查询到被执行人全国范围内的存款、车辆、证券、网络资金等14类16项信息,并对被执行人进行消费限制。
Some students are still shouldering an economic and credit burden in debt disputes, even though our country prohibited online platforms from lending money to students three years ago. Students, as the debtors, still need to repay the debts in line with court rulings and valid contracts.
Given that many students have little savings and the borrowing records will influence their future, such as in employment, further studies, or bank loans, the top court's decision on removing them from the dishonest list, I think, is timely, humane and necessary.
The guideline permits courts to temporarily lift travel restrictions when defaulters have to take a train or fly home for medical treatment or when family members fall ill or die.
不良贷款 non-performing loan/NPL
讨债人 debt collector
借据 IOU/I owe you
个人对个人借贷 P2P (peer-to-peer) lending
超前消费 excessive consumption
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)