中国日报网 2020-07-03 11:28


Any students who cheat or are involved in identity theft in the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, will be disqualified from enrolling in universities and colleges, the Ministry of Education said.
Universities should conduct identity checks of high school graduates to find any students who have stolen others' identities or gained extra gaokao points through illegal means, it said.
这里的identity theft字面意思为“身份窃取”,其实就是新闻报道中说的“冒名顶替”,其动词形式为steal one's identity,而“冒名顶替者”就是imposter。因此,“冒名顶替”这种行为也可以用imposture来表示。比如: He was accused of imposture.(他被指冒名顶替。)
Cheat这个词在英语里很常用,可以作为动词和名词使用,有“欺骗、骗子、出轨”等意思,不同的搭配会表达不同的意思,我们在使用的时候要非常注意。比如,cheat on someone表达的是“背着(配偶、性伴侣)乱搞;对(配偶、性伴侣)不忠”的意思,也就是我们常说的“出轨”,如果你想说“她骗了我”可以直接用she cheated me或者she fooled me来表示,而千万不能说she cheated on me。另外,我们也可以直接说someone is a cheat,来表示“某人是个骗子”。
The ministry said in a notice issued on Thursday that it will work with public security and disciplinary authorities to look into any fraud in the exam and hold those guilty of violations and any people who assist them accountable.
Candidates and the test site staff will have their body temperatures and health conditions monitored regularly starting from 14 days ahead of the exam, the ministry said in a statement.
Exam-sitters will have their body temperatures measured and are allowed into test sites only when their body temperatures are below 37.3 degrees Celsius.
There will be at least three isolated test rooms at each test site, available for candidates who exhibit symptoms of fever and cough during the exam, according to the statement.
考试秩序与公平 order and fairness of exams
诚实应考 be honest in exams
教育公平 education equality
素质教育 all-round education
高等教育 higher education
终身学习体系 an education system of lifelong learning
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)