今日起 经第一入境点分流的北京国际客运航班将逐步恢复直航
中国日报网 2020-09-03 10:48


Beijing will gradually resume direct inbound flights to the city from eight countries, starting from Thursday, the municipal government announced Wednesday. The listed countries are Cambodia, Greece, Denmark, Thailand, Pakistan, Austria, Canada and Sweden, all of which pose a low risk of cross-border infection and conduct nucleic acid tests for passengers.
为严控首都疫情输入风险,自3月23日开始,入境北京的所有国际客运航班被分流到指定第一入境点(first point of entry),接受检疫符合条件的旅客可搭乘原航班入京。截至9月1日,已有511个国际客运航班被分流到第一入境点。
The number of passengers on direct international flights to Beijing will be capped at around 500 each day during the trial period. The number is expected to double after the trial run ends.
Cap这个词大家都认识,本意是“帽子”,尤指那种带帽舌的帽子,比如baseball cap(棒球帽)。在这里,cap作为动词使用,表示“对(价格、人数等)进行限制”,相当于set a limit on/put a ceiling/impose a cap on,比如,Their salary was capped at 10,000 yuan per month./The management team put a salary cap of 10,000 yuan on them.(他们的月薪不能超过1万元。)而且这里的限制一般都指“上限”,因为ceiling和cap都在我们的头顶,在某件事上加了个天花板或者帽子,其实就是相当于“给某事设了一个上限”。
The passengers should be citizens of those foreign countries or Chinese people who are traveling back from those countries. People from third countries should not take those flights as a transfer to Beijing.
Passengers without a negative nucleic acid test result or who fail to pass a temperature scan won't be able to board.
Passengers will be tested for COVID-19 in a special section at the Beijing Capital International Airport after going through customs clearance and inspection upon arrival.
The travelers must also undergo a mandatory 14-day concentrated medical observation. Those who test positive for COVID-19 or develop fever or symptoms of respiratory illness will be transferred to designated hospitals, including their close contacts.
Beijing residents returning from those countries via direct flights will need to have another 7-day health monitoring period at home after the 14-day quarantine.
根据入境后实际输入病例数,及时采取恢复指定第一入境点入境、航班熔断("circuit breaker" mechanism for airlines)等措施,最大限度阻断疫情输入风险。
第一入境点 first point of entry
海关清关 customs clearance
出入境检验检疫 entry-exit inspection and quarantine
集中观察 concentrated observation
入境航班 inbound flight
输入病例 imported cases
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)