每日一词∣全国消费扶贫月 nationwide month-long pro-consumption campaign to aid poverty alleviation
中国日报网 2020-09-07 09:10

China will launch nationwide pro-consumption projects in September to boost sales of products from poor areas in an effort to promote poverty alleviation. The month-long programs have been jointly organized by 11 departments including the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development.

We need to ensure sustained and stable income increase for people in poverty. Being lifted out of poverty is not an end in itself but the starting point of a new life and a new pursuit.
We should mobilize all resources to win the battle against poverty, and ensure that the target of eradicating poverty is met as planned so as to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
poverty relief effort through consumption
enterprises and workshops that employ local workers and play a major role in poverty alleviation