中国日报网 2020-09-09 14:06


The draft regulations say organizations or individuals should not send any commercial short messages or make any commercial calls to users without their consent or request, or after they have been explicitly rejected.
商业性短信息(commercial short messages)或商业性电话(commercial calls),是指用于介绍、推销商品、服务或者商业投资机会的短信息或电话(short messages or calls used for introduction or marketing of products, services or business investment opportunities)。
Basic telecommunication business operators would not be allowed to provide any access services or communication resources for organizations and individuals that have not obtained business licenses for telecommunication services to engage in commercial short message and voice call services.
这里的engage in表示“从事、参与”等意思,通常情况下我们多用engage someone in something这个固定搭配,比如:You can engage the kids in a game this afternoon so that I can get some work done.(下午你让孩子们玩游戏,这样我就能干点儿活。)如果用这个搭配的被动形式,就是someone is engaged in doing something,表示“忙于做某事”,比如:Dad is engaged in fixing the car, so he can't talk right now.(爸爸忙着修车呢,没空讲话。)另外,我们看美剧的时候,经常会听到指挥官对手下的队员们说“do not engage”,意思就是“(遇到敌人)不要交战”,这种情况下engage就是不及物动词,表示“enter into conflict or battle”。
Suppliers of short message services should make sure users have agreed to or asked to receive commercial short messages before sending them out, with records of user consent to be kept for at least five months.
群发短信 mass texting
短信诈骗 SMs phishing(smishing)
伪基站 pseudo base station
电信诈骗 telecom fraud
响一声就挂的电话 abandoned calls
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)