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Botswana: Mystery elephant deaths caused by cyanobacteria 博茨瓦纳数百头大象离奇死亡 原因为水中蓝藻细菌

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The elephants, young and old, had collapsed and died suddenly in large numbers. Experts soon ruled out poaching. After all, no one had tried to hack off the elephants’ tusks. But beyond that lay a mystery.


Tests sent to laboratories around the world now appear to have settled the matter. Poisonous natural cyanobacteria is to blame, lurking in the elephants’ watering holes. Those watering holes have now dried up and the elephants have stopped dying.


But scientists warn that climate change may be making these incidents, known as toxic blooms, more likely. 

但科学家们警告说,气候变化可能使这些被称为 “有毒水华” 的事件更有可能发生。


collapsed 倒下了
ruled out 排除了
poaching 偷猎
hack off 砍掉,砍下
tusks 象牙
mystery 谜,谜团
settled 解决了
cyanobacteria 蓝藻细菌
lurking 潜伏着,潜藏着
blooms 水华现象


1. True or false? The elephants that had died in Botswana were all young.

2. Why did the experts rule out poaching?

3. Where was cyanobacteria found?

4. According to the scientists, what is the possible connection between climate change and these incidents?


1. True or false? The elephants that had died in Botswana were all young.
False. The elephants, young and old, had collapsed and died suddenly in large numbers.

2. Why did the experts rule out poaching?
Because no one had hacked off the elephants’ tusks. 

3. Where was cyanobacteria found? 
Cyanobacteria was found lurking in the elephants’ watering holes.

4. According to the scientists, what is the possible connection between climate change and these incidents?
Scientists warn that climate change may be making these incidents, known as toxic blooms, more likely.




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