每日一词∣农业绿色发展 green development of the agricultural sector
中国日报网 2021-09-13 17:00

The Chinese government unveiled a plan for the green development of the country's agricultural sector over the next five years. The plan, jointly issued by six departments including the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, identified resource protection, pollution control, restoration of agricultural ecology and the development of a low-carbon agricultural industrial chain as the key tasks for the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025).

We need to ride the trend of technological revolution and industrial transformation, seize the enormous opportunity in green transition, and let the power of innovation drive us to upgrade our economic, energy and industrial structures, and make sure that a sound environment is there to buttress sustainable economic and social development worldwide.
It is necessary to speed up the development of green agriculture and work to avoid the loss and degradation of black soil. China should always have control over its own food supply.
a community of life for man and nature
concept of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development