中国日报网 2021-10-20 14:09


The campaign will focus on malpractices such as re-registration of banned accounts, using illegal information in the names of user accounts, ghost followers of online influencers, malicious marketing of internet user accounts and renting or selling online game accounts to minors.
社交媒体上不活跃或虚假用户的统称(users on social media platforms who remain inactive or do not engage in activity)为“僵尸粉”,英文可翻译为“fake followers,ghost followers”。这些用户的特点是只关注不点赞、不评论、不发言(do not partake in liking, commenting, and posting)。
网络公司注册一些虚假机器账号,一般用于提高特定用户(尤其是名人博主)粉丝数量,为其吸引更多关注(increase the number of fans for certain users, especially celebrity ones, and get them more attention),在英文里有时也直接被称为bots(机器粉)。
Regulation of the registration and management of user accounts will be strengthened to ban the re-registration of accounts, which were closed in accordance with laws and regulations, with the same or similar names.
User accounts, with the intention of misleading the public, that counterfeit names and logos of Party, government or military organizations, enterprises, public institutions and media organizations will be resolutely punished.
The campaign will clean up ghost fans and bots, and crack down on behaviors of buying fans.
实名注册 real-name registration
流量至上 excessive focus on viewership
饭圈 fans groups
职业道德 professional ethics
德艺双馨 pursue both professional excellence and moral integrity
行为准则 code of conduct
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)