中国日报网 2022-05-13 16:50

1. 国家将大力帮扶中小微企业
2. 县城城镇化建设意见出台
3. 天舟四号货运飞船成功发射
4. 今年通胀水平总体温和可控
5. 美国累计新冠死亡病例达100万
1. 中小微企业
micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)
China will provide greater support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and self-employed households, to promote employment stability by keeping the operations of market entities stable, according to the decision made at the State Council's Executive Meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday.
李克强指出,量大面广的中小微企业和个体工商户是稳经济的重要基础、稳就业的主力支撑(the many MSMEs and self-employed households across sectors are a key foundation of steady economic and job growth),当前相关市场主体困难明显增多,要加大帮扶力度。
会议指出,抓紧把退税减税降费(tax refunds and reductions and fee cuts)、缓缴社保费(deferred payment of social insurance premiums)、物流保通保畅(open and smooth logistics services)、推动企业复工达产(the early resumption of the full-capacity production of enterprises)等政策举措落实到位。
退税 tax refunds
个体工商户 self-employed households
纾困专项资金 special relief funds
2. 以县城为重要载体的城镇化建设
urbanization with a focus on county towns
China has released guidelines demanding various localities across the country promote urbanization with a focus on county towns. The guidelines, jointly issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council General Office, said that by 2025, major progress will be seen in the drive.
《意见》从科学把握功能定位、培育县城特色优势产业(cultivate competitive industries)、完善市政设施体系(improve public infrastructure)、强化公共服务供给、提高县城辐射带动乡村能力等方面着手,推进以县城为重要载体的城镇化建设。
《意见》进一步明确要科学把握功能定位,分类引导县城发展方向,并明确五类县城的发展路径(devise differentiated paths of development for five major types of county seats),包括:加快发展大城市周边县城(those close to metropolises),积极培育专业功能县城(those with an industrial edge or specific functions),合理发展农产品主产区县城(agriculture-intensive ones),有序发展重点生态功能区县城(those of ecological significance),以及引导人口流失县城(those suffering from population outflows)转型发展。
城乡融合发展 integrated urban-rural development
新型城镇化战略 new urbanization strategy
户籍制度改革 reform of the household registration system
3. 天舟四号货运飞船
cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-4
China launched cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-4 on Tuesday to deliver supplies for its space station which is scheduled to wrap up construction this year.
据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,北京时间5月10日1时56分,搭载天舟四号货运飞船的长征七号遥五运载火箭(the Long March-7 Y5 rocket),在我国文昌航天发射场点火发射(blasted off),约10分钟后,飞船与火箭成功分离,进入预定轨道(separated from the rocket and entered its designated orbit),2时23分,飞船太阳能帆板顺利展开工作(the solar panels of the cargo craft unfolded and began working),发射取得圆满成功。
在历经数小时的飞行后,天舟四号顺利"牵手"空间站天和核心舱与天舟三号组合体 (successfully docked with the combination of the space station core module Tianhe and Tianzhou-3 cargo craft)。
货运飞船 cargo spacecraft:
空间站核心舱 space station core module
太阳能面板 solar panels
交会对接 rendezvous and docking
4. 通胀水平总体温和可控
overall inflation level is mild and controllable
China's inflation is expected to remain mild and controllable this year, leaving room for macro policy fine-tuning and adjustment, experts and analysts said on Wednesday.
5月11日,国家统计局发布的数据显示,4月份,全国居民消费价格指数(the country's consumer price index)同比上涨2.1%,创下五个月来的最大涨幅,鲜菜、鲜果、柴油价格均有所上涨(rising prices of fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and diesel fuel)。消费价格指数是衡量通货膨胀水平的重要指标(a main gauge of inflation)。
中国民生银行首席研究员温彬将消费价格指数上涨归因于食品和能源价格的上涨(attribute the growth in consumer inflation to food and energy),并指出要警惕国际商品价格上涨引起的输入性通胀压力(inflation pressure amid rising international commodity prices)。他表示,中国通胀整体处于温和可控水平(China's overall inflation level is mild and controllable),预期货币政策将持续加大对受疫情影响严重行业企业的支持力度(increase monetary policy support for hard-hit enterprises and sectors amid COVID-19 outbreaks)。
助企纾困 help ease enterprises' burden
促进经济运行在合理区间 promote economic growth to a reasonable range
中下游制造业企业 midstream and downstream manufacturing enterprises
保供稳价 ensure stable supplies and prices
5. 美国新冠死亡病例达100万
1M American lives lost to COVID-19
Commemorating 1 million American lives lost to COVID-19, the highest in the world, US President Joe Biden on Thursday described the number as "a tragic milestone". In a White House statement issued early in the morning, Biden said "Each an irreplaceable loss".
拜登提出,要对这场大流行继续保持警惕(remain vigilant against this pandemic),尽所能拯救生命(do everything we can to save as many lives as possible)。他表示,在未来几个月,美国国会拨款资助新冠检测、疫苗、治疗等资源至关重要。拜登下令全美降半旗5天致哀(he ordered American flags on federal property to be lowered to half-staff for five days)。
当地时间5月9日,美国华盛顿国家大教堂鸣钟1000次(the bells at Washington National Cathedral rang out 1,000 times),以表达对美国登记在册、死于新冠疫情的100万名逝者的哀悼。
加强针 booster jab
新冠疫苗 COVID-19 vaccine
完全接种 fully vaccinated
奥密克戎变异株 Omicron variants