Sleepless in Seattle 西雅图夜未眠(精讲之三)
[ 2006-06-30 10:34 ]

影片对白It's just tough this time of year.
Seattle, city in west central Washington State. The seat of King County, Seattle is the hub of the sprawling metropolitan region of Greater Seattle and is the largest city in Washington. There are 3.6 million people in Greater Seattle, one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the United States. This growth reflects the success of local high-technology industries such as aerospace(航空业), software, computer and electronic equipment(电子设备), medical devices(医疗器械) and biotechnology(生物工艺), and telecommunications products. IT也是Seattle的强势产业,这里是Bill Gates创业的地方。他们一家住在西雅图郊区的麦迪纳小镇上。
Space Needle

Public Market Center
始建于1907年的帕克市场, 最初是西雅图农民和渔夫们自发的农贸交易市场。1970年,反对政府拆除旧市场的市民们不但保住了这座历史性的建筑,还捐款将帕克市场在原地重新翻修,将旧有的帆布顶改成现在坚固的屋顶,使帕克市场焕然一新。现在,这里已经成为西雅图的标志之一,它的鲜明的"Public Market Center"招牌就在本部电影中出现过。

Union Lake
电影中的Sam住的船屋曾让你惊讶或是惊叹过吗?这个船屋就位于Union Lake这里。联合湖区最美的时候是天刚亮的清晨,宁静的湖面上笼罩着一层雾气,更能显示它的特别之处,而湖上悠哉闲哉的鸳鸯也为湖面增添了几分情趣。