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Brokeback Mountain《断背山》精讲之一
[ 2008-05-22 21:13 ]


影片对白Your folks just stop at Ennis?


4. not on your life

这个片语用来表示强烈反对的“不”,好像我们汉语中说的“这辈子都别想”,比如:Go hang-gliding? Not on your life. 驾悬挂滑翔机飞翔?这辈子都别想!

5. grocery list


6. Your folks just stop at Ennis?


7. Aguirre got all over my arse

Get all over one’s arse 的意思是 “get angry at someone 对某人发脾气,抱怨不休”。

8. run off

这个片语也可以写作 run someone out,意思是“force or drive someone away 把某人赶走”,比如:The security guard ran off the trespassers. 保安赶走了入侵者。


Brokeback Mountain 一段令人心碎的爱情之旅

Brokeback Mountain《断背山》精讲之一

Brokeback Mountain is an Academy Award-winning 2005 romantic drama film that depicts the relationship between two men in the American West from 1963 to 1983.

The film was directed by Taiwanese director Ang Lee from a screenplay by Diana Ossana and Larry McMurtry, which they adapted from the short story Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx. The film stars Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway, and Michelle Williams.

Brokeback Mountain won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, and was honored with Best Picture and Best Director accolades from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Golden Globe Awards, Critics Choice Awards, and Independent Spirit Awards among many other organizations and festivals. Brokeback Mountain had the most nominations (eight) for the 78th Academy Awards, where it won three: Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Original Score. The film was widely considered to be a frontrunner for the Academy Award for Best Picture, but lost to Crash. However, at the end of its theatrical run, Brokeback Mountain ranked eighth among the highest grossing romantic-dramas of all time.



1. 他们把他赶出了镇子。

2. 琳达的父亲不喜欢她的男友,于是她不得不偷偷见他。

3. 我能忍受这种事情吗?这辈子都别想!

Sideways《杯酒人生》精讲之六 考考你 参考答案

1. 我不能忍受他严苛的批评。

I can't take his cruel criticism.

2. 我们很幸运,面包店还开着。

We were in luck, for the bakery was still open.

3. 我们放松一下,来个聚会吧。

Let’s kick back and hold a party.


影片对白Your folks just stop at Ennis?



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