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Brokeback Mountain《断背山》精讲之三
[ 2008-05-28 15:21 ]


影片对白You ever notice how a woman will powder her nose before she goes to a party?


4. pickup

这里指 pickup truck (敞蓬小货车)。

5. get a word in

这里的意思是“插话”。比如:The girls talked so quickly and I couldn’t get a word in. 这些女孩说话太快了,我根本插不上话。

6. talk a blue streak

这个片语意思是“talk so much and quickly as to exhaust the listener (连续不断)说得太多又快(连听的人都烦了)”,比如: Louise was so excited that she talked a blue streak. 路易丝太兴奋了,讲话滔滔不绝,没完没了。

7. behind the times

“Not keeping up with current fashion, methods, or ideas 落伍了,过时了”的意思,比如:Your accounting methods are behind the times. 你的计算方法已经过时了。




Brokeback Mountain《断背山》精讲之三

Marlboro is a brand of cigarette made by Altria. It is famous for its billboard advertisements and magazine ads of the Marlboro Man.

Philip Morris, a London-based cigarette manufacturer, created a New York subsidiary in 1902 to sell several of its cigarette brands, including Marlboro. By 1924 they were advertising Marlboro as a woman's cigarette based on the slogan "Mild As May".

The brand was sold in this capacity until World War II when the brand faltered and was temporarily removed from the market. At the end of the war, three brands emerged that would establish a firm hold on the cigarette market: Camel, Lucky Strike, and Chesterfield. These brands were supplied to US soldiers during the war, creating an instant market upon their return.

Brokeback Mountain《断背山》精讲之三

During the 1950s Reader's Digest magazine published a series of articles that linked smoking with lung cancer. Phillip Morris, and the other cigarette companies took notice and each began to market filtered cigarettes. The new Marlboro with a filtered end was launched in 1955. In the early 1960s Philip Morris invented "Marlboro Country" and distilled their manly imagery into the rugged cowboys known as the "Marlboro Men." Marlboro quickly gained market share and saw their sales increase 5,000 percent within 8 months of the ad campaign's premiere. It emerged as the number one youth-initiation brand.

The brand is named after Great Marlborough Street, the location of its original London Factory. Richmond, Virginia, is now the location of the largest Marlboro cigarette manufacturing plant.



男人和女人真是来自两个星球的生物,难以理解对方的行为。Jack 质疑为什么老婆出门的时候脸上要扑粉,回家还要扑粉,他觉得老夫老妻的了,费这种事干嘛。如果Lureen这里也有台词的话,她一定想说“还不是为了保持完美形象,好像老公多看自己、少看别的女人啊”!不过这句告白对Jack 应该没什么用,因为他只爱Ennis。可怜的Lureen。



1. 这个女人说起话来滔滔不绝,没人能插上话。

2. 这些看法已经落伍了。

3. I told him it'd take more than chewing gum and baling wire to fix that pickup.

4. We come out here thinkin' that ranchin' was still big hats and Marlboros.

Brokeback Mountain《断背山》精讲之二 考考你 参考答案

1. 麻醉药效渐渐消失,他感觉疼得厉害。

The narcotic wore off and he feels hurt badly.

2. 他的新剧作很无聊,但是他是我哥哥,我们最好坚持一下吧。

His new play's boring, but since he's my brother we'd better stick it out.

3. The two naughty boys are easily excited, but they quiet down immediately.


4. I can spare you a loan, bud, if you're short on cash.



影片对白You ever notice how a woman will powder her nose before she goes to a party?



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