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50 First Dates 《初恋50次》精讲之三
[ 2009-01-16 19:29 ]






Henry Roth: Not her. False alarm. Don't worry, I called the cops already. And I'm all set.

Doug Whitmore: Yeah? You all set for this, Mr. Smarty(自作聪明的人)?

Henry Roth: Oh, shit.

Marlin Whitmore: Yeah. When you finish playing your little kidnap-victim crap on my daughter, come by the house.

Henry Roth: Okay. oh, boy.

Marlin Whitmore: There's something I wanna show you. We figured it out she only sings on days she meets you.

Henry Roth: You're kidding me. That song?

Doug Whitmore: That's Mom and Dad's Song.

Marlin Whitmore: When her mom was alive, Lucy would have me take that tape on every fishing trip I went on.

Henry Roth: Oh, yeah?

Doug Whitmore: Yeah, she knew it would make me miss her mom and want to come home sooner.

Henry Roth: I'm seeing a new side to you, sir. I gotta tell you, it's grossing me out.

Marlin Whitmore: Let me ask you something. What's in it for you? What do you get out of this?

Henry Roth: I don't know. Wouldn't you want to spend an hour a day with that?

Doug Whitmore: Actually, no. She sings like shit. What?

Henry Roth: May I ask you guys something? What's gonna happen down the line? Someday she's gonna wake up and look in the mirror and notice she aged 10 years overnight.

Marlin Whitmore: You know something, Henry? I worry about that every damn day of my life.

Henry Roth: All right. Hi. Sorry to interrupt, but I noticed we were both eating alone and I thought I could sit with you. Maybe build a syrup(糖浆) Jacuzzi(Jacuzzi浴缸)for your waffle house?

Lucy Whitmore: Oh, that would be nice, but I have a boyfriend. So I'm sorry.

Henry Roth: Making up a boyfriend so you can get rid of me?

Lucy Whitmore: No, I'm not.

Henry Roth: What's his name, then?

Lucy Whitmore: Ringo.

Henry Roth: Is his last name Starr?(Ringo Starr:甲壳虫乐队鼓手)

Lucy Whitmore: No. McCartney(Paul McCartney:甲壳虫乐队吉他手

Henry Roth: McCartney. Okay.

Lucy Whitmore: Oh, no.

Henry Roth: All right. I'm sorry.

Lucy Whitmore: No! This cop is writing me a ticket!

Henry Roth: oh, whoa, whoa. I wouldn't go out there.

Lucy Whitmore: Wait, wait, wait!

Cafe Regular: Go on!

Henry Roth: I'm coming.

Lucy Whitmore: The tags don't expire for seven months.

Sheriff: They expired May of this year.

Lucy Whitmore: No! No, no! They expire May of next year.

Henry Roth: Officer, I think there's been a misunderstanding.

Sheriff: I don't.

Lucy Whitmore: This is ridiculous. I'm not paying for this! It's October! Excuse me. Can I borrow this? Look, October!

Cafe Regular: Lucy, let's go back inside.

Lucy Whitmore: What? What?


1.all set:一切妥当,准备好了(去做某事)。假扮被绑票的Henry对过往车辆说,“我一切都好。”来看例句:

Are we all set? 我们都准备好了吗?

All set for eating. 吃饭用的东西都摆好了。

We're all set to go camping. 我们做好了去露营的一切准备。

我们都准备好要走时电话铃响了. We were all set to go when the telephone rang.

2. gross out: 俚语,意思是“使厌恶:令人充满厌恶,使恶心”等于to fill with disgust,nauseate。


You are going to gross out people if you continue talking like that. 你若继续用这种态度说话,会让人觉得讨厌。

The trick in making a family film is finding ways to interest grown-ups without boring, confusing, or grossing out the younger set. 家庭戏正试图运用一些技巧,既能引起成年人的兴趣,又不使年轻人感到厌倦,迷惑或是恶心。

gross是“总的,全部的,粗大,笨拙”的意思,另外,还表示“恶劣、令人不悦”,例如gross outrage(粗野的行为),gross remarks(下流语言),gross language(下流语言)。

3. What's in it for you?:这是口语化的句子,意思是“这对你有什么好处?”例如:

What's in it for her to bewail herself?她在那号啕大哭对她有什么好处?

4. get out of:这也是很口语化的说法,意思是“从中得到”。Lucy的父亲对Henry执着追求女儿感到不解,问他:“这对你有什么好处?你能从中得到什么?”

What can you get out of him? 那你能从他那得到什么吗?

What do you get out of painting? 你从绘画中得到什么?

How much did he get out of the deal? 那笔交易他获得了多少钱?

其实,get out of更常见的用法是表示“逃避,离开,摆脱”。例如:

Get out of here! 给我从这滚出去!

Get out of my face! 从我面前消失!

I will get out of the mire. 我要将自己拉出泥潭。

I wish I could get out of debt. 我希望能付清债务。

5. down the line: 将来(某时)

No idea! But I'm sure I'll think of something somewhere down the line . 不知道!不过我肯定将来在某时某刻我就会知道了。

We may have more work for you down the line, but, for now, you will probably want to look for another job. 将来我们可能有更多适合你的工作,但目前你可能需要另谋高就。

6. write a ticket: 开罚单。ticket在这里是罚单的意思。speeding ticket是超速罚单,parking ticket是违章停车罚单。来看例句:

I'll need to write you a ticket and impound your vehicle. 我必须开罚单给你,并且扣留你的车子。

I got a ticket for speeding. 我拿到一张超速行驶的罚单。



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