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A River Runs Through It《大河恋》精讲之三
[ 2009-02-13 18:11 ]

全球最性感的男人:Brad Pitt's path from Missouri-bred choirboy to delectable hunk was cemented with a strong Baptist faith and at least a trillion situps...





Paul Maclean: There was a time. You'll make a killing! He'll make a killing. Let's fish together today.

Norman Maclean: Good.

Paul Maclean: What are they biting on?

Norman Maclean: What?

Paul Maclean: What are they biting on?

Norman Maclean: Louder!

Paul Maclean: I said...

Norman Maclean: Bunyan Bugs! Want me to bring you one?

Paul Maclean: No! I'll come and get it.

Norman Maclean: Bunyan Bug, stonefly number two.

Paul Maclean: Thank you, merciful professor of poetry and trout.

Norman Maclean: I'm going to ask Jessie to marry me.

Paul Maclean: Yes. Quite a day.

Norman Maclean: Why don't you come with us to Chicago? It's 2,000 miles away. They got more than a dozen papers there. You'd be right in the middle of things. What do you say? Come with us.

Paul Maclean: Oh, I'll never leave Montana, Brother.


1. make a killing:字面意思是“杀,杀戮”,实际上表示“大赚一笔”,在本剧中又可以理解成:“你肯定会大有收获(你会钓到很多鱼)。”可以用make a big/final killing来加重语气,表示大赚特赚。来看具体用法:

Albert made a killing in real estate. 阿伯特做房地产发了大财。

I often hear someone make a killing in Las Vegas. 我经常听人说有人在拉斯维加斯发了一笔横财.

They may well seize the opportunity to make a final killing. 他们很可能抓住机会大捞一笔。

2. Quite a day.:其实这句话并没有固定的对应中文,在不同的语境中,这个感叹句可以用来表示不同的感情,比如:

His father accepted the award for him, saying, "It's been quite a day." 他的父亲在替他领奖时说:“这是不寻常的一天”。

Whew, that was quite a day. Sleep became easier, even in cold temperature of the 7000 feet and above, because I was rather exhausted at night. 一天就这样过去了!人累了,海拔7000英尺的高地,即使很冷,也能酣然入睡。


3. right in the middle of...:字面意思是“在正中间”,也引申为“正在做某事”,例如:

I'm kind of in the middle of things right now. 我现在正有点忙.

We right in the middle of dinner. 我们正好在吃晚饭呢.

而在接下来这句话中,right in the middle表示的是“处于其中”

He tried to put himself right in the middle of an investigation. 他尽量让自己介入调查过程。


4. What do you say?你说什么?”除了这个意思,这句话还可以表示“你怎么看?”,Norman问Paul:“你怎么想的?跟我们一起去吧。”来看例句:

What do you say to some rice? 你看来点米饭怎么样?

What do you say to eating out? 我们出去吃饭,你说如何? 

全球最性感的男人:Brad Pitt's path from Missouri-bred choirboy to delectable hunk was cemented with a strong Baptist faith and at least a trillion situps...


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