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[ 2009-02-18 18:55 ]





Gloria: Oh, look at us. We're all here together, safe and sound.

Melman: Yeah, here we are. Where exactly is "here"? San Diego.

Gloria: San Diego?

Melman: White sandy beaches, cleverly simulated natural environment, wide-open enclosures. I'm telling you, this could be the San Diego Zoo, completed with fake rocks. Wow, that looks real.

Alex: San Diego? What could be worse than San Diego?

Marty: I don't know. This place is crackalacking! Oh, I could hang here. I could hang here.

Alex: I'm gonna kill you, Marty!

Marty: Take it easy! Take it easy!

Alex: And then string you!

Marty:Calm down! Calm down!

Alex: Then bury you, dig you up, clone you and kill your clones.

Marty: 20-second timeout. 20-second timeout.

Alex: And then, I'll never talk to you again.

Gloria: Stop it! Look, we're just gonna to find the people, get checked in and have this mess straightened out.

Alex: Oh, great. This is just great. San Diego. Now I'll have to compete with Shamu(圣地亚哥海洋世界里著名的杀人鲸)and his smug little grin. I can't top that. Can't top it. I'm ruined! I'm done. I'm out of the business. It's your fault, Marty! You've ruined me.

Marty: Come on, Alex. Do you honestly think I intended all of this to happen? You want me to say that I'm sorry? Is that what you want? Okay, I'm...

Alex: Shh!

Marty: He just shushed me.

Gloria: Marty, look, you've got to be just a little bit more und...

Alex: Shush!

Gloria: Don't you shush me!

Alex: Do you hear that? Don't you hear that?

Marty: I hear it now.

Gloria: Where there's music, there's people.

Alex: Go to the head honcho.

Melman: A sidewalk would be nice.

Gloria: Yeah, what a dump.

Alex: They should call it the San Di-lame-o Zoo. First they tell you, "Hey! We got this great open plan thing. Let animals run wild." Next thing you know it, flowers in your hair, everybody's hugging everybody.

Marty: This place kind of grows on you. This way, guys! Come on!

Alex: What the...?


1.safe and sound:这是个固定短语,表示“安然无恙的,平平安安的”。Sound 在这里的意思是“健全的,完好的”。Safe和sound这两个词的意思其实有些重叠,不过,人们为了押头韵,也不介意语意重复了。Gloria说:“看哪,我们又在一起了,大家都安然无恙的。”来看例句:

May you return safe and sound. 祝你平安归来。

The package arrived safe and sound. 包裹寄到,丝毫无损。

2. What could be worse than...?: 还有什么能比...更糟?Alex明显对处境不满:“圣地亚哥?还有什么比圣地亚哥更糟糕的?”又例如:

What could be worse than losing confidence? 还有什么比失去信心更糟?

3. hang: 徘徊,逗留,呆着。常见的表达法是hang out/around some place。Marty说:“我愿意呆在这。”来看例句:

Maybe I hang around here a little more than I should. 也许我在这里徘徊得久了些。

I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight. 我想今晚还是呆在这里吧。

Don't hang around here and gab. Get yourself home, quick. 你别在这儿闲扯了, 快回家去吧。

4. check in: 登记住宿,报到。这里是“报到”的意思。Gloria给Alex打气:“我们会找到人类,向他们报个到,然后把这一团糟理顺!”来看例句:

Everyone that arrived must check in here first. 每个到的人都要先在这儿签到。

Did you check in with the immigration people today? 今天你给移民局的人报到了吗?

5. straighten out:理顺、清理、弄直、矫正。来看这个短语在不同语境中的具体意思:

You should straighten out your confused thinking. 你应该理顺你的混乱思维。

Let's straighten out their strained relations. 让我们来调解他们的紧张关系。

These problems will straighten out in time. 这些问题终究会解决的。

The speech helped him to straighten out his thinking. 听了报告, 他心里明朗了。

6. top: 超越,胜过。Alex得知自己到了所谓的圣地亚哥之后,郁闷地说:“现在我得和杀人鲸Shamu同台竞技了,还有它那自鸣得意的微笑。我赢不了它,输定了,我毁了。我完蛋了。我要被淘汰了。”来看例句:

How is London going to top that? 伦敦如何能超越?

If you can top Matt, I'll treat you to dim sum on Sunday. 如果你能胜过麦特,星期天我就请你吃点心。

7. What a dump.: 真够脏的!

8. grows on you:理解成“在你身上生长”可就行不通了。这短语的意思是“你越来越喜欢”。Marty说:“你会越来越喜欢这地方。”

Saving regularly soon grows on you. 你很快就会养成定期储蓄的习惯。

The novel seems uninteresting at first but it grows on you. 这部小说开始看的时候似乎乏味,但慢慢地它就会把你吸引住了。



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