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Marley & Me 《马利和我》精讲之一
[ 2009-04-10 17:38 ]




Jennifer: Can I look?

John: No, no. Just-Almost. Almost. Okay. Okay. Ready?

Jennifer: Really?

John: One, two, three. Go. Happy birthday.

Jennifer: What? God, they're adorable. Oh, my-My birthday's not for a month.

Woman: That's okay. They can't leave for three weeks anyway.

Jennifer: We didn't discuss this.

John: I know, but it's a surprise. You can't.

Jennifer: Hi, guys.

Woman: Just adopted the mom last month. Family that gave her up didn't even know she was pregnant.

Jennifer: Are you sure we're ready for this?

Woman: Well, like I told you...you gotta wait three weeks for them to be weaned before you can bring 'em home.

Jennifer: I'm not even gonna be here.

John: Why?

Jennifer: I'll be in Gainesville, covering that trial.

John: Oh, that's right. That's okay. It'll give me a chance to bond with him...and get a head start on training 'em

Jennifer: That's true.

John: Get 'em squared away before you get home.

Jennifer: That's true.

Jennifer: Well, how are we gonna pick one?

Woman: Girls are 300. Boys are 275. Except for that little guy there. Him you could have for 200 even.

Jennifer: This one? You're so sweet. You're like a little clearance puppy.

Jennifer: Hello, puppy.

John: This one likes you. Clearance Puppy likes you.

Woman: Well, that's your guy. Jennifer: I was gonna pick you anyway. Don't tell anybody. Don't tell the others.

John: We gotta double-time it just a little here, honey.

Jennifer: Really wish I didn't have to go.

John: Are you kidding me? It's gonna be great. You spent eight months on this trial. Honestly, I'm jealous.

Jennifer: Really? Tax evasion? That's what makes you jealous?

John: Well, it's sexier than speed bumps.

Jennifer: Okay, you call me the minute you get him home. Okay.

John: Okay.

Jennifer: We also have to come up with a name for him.

John: Yes. Let's brainstorm it. I'll just call him Clearance Puppy till you get back.

Jennifer: Are you gonna be okay?

John: You're worried about me with a puppy?

Jennifer: I am.

John: Me, John friggin' Grogan?

Jennifer: I know.

John: Good-bye. I love you. You look pretty.

Jennifer: Thank you. I love you. Bye.


1.square away:使...准备好,摆好架势。影片中John对他的妻子Jennifer说道:“在你回家之前,把它调教好。”来看例句:

我们必须在检查人员进入办公室之前把一切都整理好。We must square away before the examiners come into our office.

Square your hat away!把帽子戴正!

2.clearance puppy:清仓小狗。clearance是清理,出清,出空的意思。影片中Jennifer充满怜爱的对小狗说:“你太可爱了 是只小剩狗啊。”

与之相关的还有:clearance sale 出清存货

Our record of slum-clearance cast other cities in the shade. 我们清理贫民窟的政绩使其他城市黯然失色。

3.double-time:快步行走。影片中John对Jennifer说道:“亲爱的 我们得快点了。”来看例句:

The army has to double-time in order to catch up their enemy . 这支部队必须快速行进以追上敌人。”

4.come up with:提出,想出。Jennifer说道:“我们也要给他想一个名字。”

He's come up with a great idea. 他想出了一个绝好的办法。

Social reformers sometimes come up with some blue-sky thoughts. 社会改革家有时会提出某些极端理想主义的想法。



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