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Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》精讲之十
[ 2009-06-12 17:07 ]





Carlos: Heck of a dinner party, huh? It's amazing how fast you can eat in total silence.

Lynette: It's my fault. I should have just told Tom the truth, although it turned out to be kind of a wash with the whole Patty Rizzo thing.

Carlos: You know what I think is cool? You guys have been married a long time, and you still get jealous.

Lynette: Yeah. But just to be on the safe side, if I fall in my tub again, let me die there.

Carlos: Okay. Back to work.

Lynette: Yes. And we shall never speak of this again. I am embarrassed enough.

Carlos: Lynette? I saw you without your towel. You got nothing to be embarrassed about.

Gabrielle: Hey.

Tom: Hey. How's the garden club today?

Gabrielle: Oh, Yllisgot tanked on cosmos and threw up on Edna...so now we're back to planting crap. Look, I'm really sorry for sticking my nose into that whole Patty rizzo thing.

Tom: It's okay. I...the truth is, is I knew she was coming on to me.

Gabrielle: Then why did you keep hanging out with her?

Tom: Lynette has been so swamped with work lately, that she doesn't...It's just nice having a woman notice me again. Is that terrible?

Gabrielle: No. I get it. When we first moved here, Carlos was working round the clock, and he'd come home and barely say hello to me.

Tom: Hmm.

Gabrielle: It was like I was invisible.

Tom: Invisible... that's the word.

Gabrielle: So when he didn't see me, I found someone who did.

Tom: Y... you know I'd never do that to Lynette.

Gabrielle: I never thought I'd do it to Carlos.

Tom: Well...then it's a good thing. I've got a friend around to keep an eye on me, even if it's one with a small "f".

Gabrielle: Well, for the record, you're growing on me. You know what? I'm thirsty. Let's start a book club.


1.heck: hell的委婉说法, 用以加强语气或咒骂。影片中Carlos对Lynette说:“昨晚的聚餐糟透了。”来看例句:

I had a heck of a time. 我好惨。

What in the heck do you mean? 你的意思究竟是什么?

2.wash:(水的)奔流,汹涌,撞击。回忆起前晚颇有些荒唐的聚餐,Lynette说:“尽管最后变成了Patty Rizzo事件的大讨论了。”

a sudden wash of conversation 一阵突如其来的活跃的谈话

3.be on the safe side:不冒险, 为求保险起见。想到丈夫Tom的醋意大发,Lynette对Carlos说:“为了更安全一点,如果我又倒在浴缸里就让我死在那儿吧。”来看例句:

It didn't look like rain, but she took her umbrella to be on the safe side. 天不像会下雨,但她仍带雨伞以防万一。

Just to be on the safe side 为安全起见而已。


If he gets tanked up again, who will drive us home? 如果他又灌醉了,谁开车送我们回家呀?

He was tanked up last night and went back home at midnight. 他昨晚喝醉了之后,半夜才回了家。

5.stick/poke one's nose into :查探,干涉。影片中Gabrielle对Tom说:“我真的很抱歉,对Patty Rizzo这事多管闲事。”

Don't stick your nose into my business. 不要干预我的事。

6.come on to:对……轻薄,吃豆腐。面对Gabrielle的歉意,Tom坦白道:“我知道她对我有意思。”

7.be swamped with:工作过多忙不过来,超负荷。Tom说起自己的心里话:“Lynette工作到那么晚,累得瘫掉,有个女人再次注意到我的感觉很好。”来看例句;

I am swamped with work. 太多的工作使我忙不过来。

The firm is swamped with orders. 大量订单使那家工厂应接不暇。

8.for the record: 使...知道,声明。Gabrielle对Tom说:“说真的,我也开始慢慢喜欢你了。”

For the record, you sound like a complete lunatic. 真的,你听起来就象是彻底疯了。

9.grow on:引起...爱好, 加深影响。



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