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Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》精讲十二
[ 2009-06-17 16:51 ]

Ways to win at office politics



Lynette: Hey. You busy?

Lucy: What is it?

Lynette: I brought you a little gift.

Lucy: Oh. Cute.

Lynette: I thought it would be a nice addition to your collection. Uh-huh.

Lucy: I knew it was you.

Lynette: Pardon?

Lucy: You're the one who complained about me to Carlos.

Lynette: I'm... not sure what you're talking about.

Lucy: Oh, jeez. What, you knife me in the back, and now you're gonna play stupid? Carlos said some people are having problems with me and that I should watch my demeanor. And I thought to myself, who are "some people"? And then it hit me... it's the chummy neighbor.

Lynette: Okay, yes, Carlos and I spoke briefly, but I thought heblew me off.

Lucy: So that's your defense? You thought your backstabbing was unsuccessful?

Lynette: Well, I'll admit it's kind of flimsy, but until I got something better...

Lucy: Okay, next time you have an issue with me, you know where my office is. Oh, and, uh, as far as Friday nights are concerned…consider that a permanent work night. Don't worry. If you're as bad at coaching as you are at office politics, your daughter won't be missing much.

Orson: Found the contract. Everything is in order.

Dinsmore: All we need now is your signature.

Bree: Mr. Dinsmore, would you mind if I speak to my husband for a moment?

Dinsmore: Oh, yeah, please, go ahead. I'll... I'll be right outside.

Orson: What's wrong?

Bree: This is happening so fast.

Orson: Yes, a bit. But it was your idea.

Bree: Well, I have a new idea. I'd like to wait.

Orson: Wait? But I need this for my recovery.

Bree: Just give me one year. That's not asking too much, is it?

Orson: You made me a promise. You need to stick to it.

Bree: Orson, think about how I built this company from nothing, How it brings me joy and pride and a sense of accomplishment. Is that really something you want me to give up?

Orson: Yes. Mr. Dinsmore, would you come back in, please?


1. blow off: 试图摆脱某人,草草打发。影片中Lynette被老练的Lucy揭穿,急忙寻找借口:“是的, Carlos和我简单地谈过,但他不同意我的看法。”来看例句:

Just blow off his comments, he's only joking.别理他怎么说,他开玩笑呢。


Some backstab each other and threaten to settle their differences with a punch. 有些人互相背后攻击,并威胁要用拳头来解决他们之间的分歧。

backstabber<n.> 暗箭伤人者


a flimsy excuse 站不住脚的辩解

4.have an issue with:有...问题。Lucy最后对Lynette说:“下次你再对我有意见,你知道我的办公室在哪里。”

I think you may have an issue with your confidence.我认为你缺乏信心。

5.a sense of accomplishment:成就感。Orson一心想要Bree变卖掉她一心经营起来的公司,Bree颇有些心寒的问他:“想想我从一无所有到现在建立这家公司,它带给我欢乐,自豪和一种成就感,你真的想让我就这么放弃?”

A sense of accomplishment often accompanies hard effort. 成就感常常伴随着艰苦的努力。

Ways to win at office politics


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