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Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》精讲十四
[ 2009-06-25 08:47 ]




Lynette: What are you doing here?

Gabrielle: I just wanted to see how your first day went. Sit. Take a load off. Spill it.

Lynette: Oh, that is so thoughtful of you. You're such a good friend.

Gabrielle: Oh, well, you know me.

Lynette: Yeah, I do.

Gabrielle: So did you get a good office? Were the people nice? Oh, what about Lucy? Do you like her?

Lynette: Actually... I am kinda tired. I think I'm going to head inside.

Gabrielle: Ooh! What's going on? I mentioned Lucy, and you get all weird. Is something going on with her and Carlos?

Lynette: What? No. I'm sure she's just affectionate.

Gabrielle: Whoa, whoa, whoa, what do you mean by affectionate?

Lynette: Well, it's probably nothing. But when Carlos works on his computer at home, does he take his shirt off there, too?

Gabrielle: That son of a... I'm gonna kill him!

Lynette: No, you won't get the chance 'cause I'm gonna kill you first.

Gabrielle: Huh?

Lynette: The houselights are up, Gaby. You candrop the act. You only helped me get this job because you needed a spy.

Gabrielle: How dare you! And, yes, I did!

Lynette: Gaby!

Gabrielle: You needed a job. I did you a favor. And then I brought you hot cocoa. Why don't you ever thank me?

Lynette: Because you used me! At least when I asked you for a favor, I was up-front.

Gabrielle: Oh, were you,missed "they offered me $100,000 a year"?

Lynette: Oh, you found out about that?

Gabrielle: Honey, I've played poker with you for the past nine years. I think I can tell when you'rebluffing.

Lynette: Okay, it's true. I used you to get more money, but you used me first.

Gabrielle: Fine. We're a couple of users. The big question is, are we still friends?

Lynette: Do I spill my salary?

Gabrielle: Will you still be my spy?

Edie: Dave, I'm curious about something.

Dave: What about?

Edie: Well, how do you feel about kids?

Dave: Kids?

Edie: Yeah. Haven't you ever wanted one?

Dave: Is this your coy way of telling me you want a child?

Edie: Maybe. I hardly get to see Travers anymore now that he's off at prep school. And I always wanted a girl. Doesn't that sound like heaven a beautiful little girl with blonde curls?


1.take a load off:卸下负担,了结。影片中Lynette急于知道Lucy的情况,苦守在Lynette家门口等第一天下班归来的她,从而暗中打探,她说:“我只是想知道你第一天工作是否顺利,坐吧,放松点,说说吧。” 来看例句:

The good news has taken a load off my mind. 听了这个好消息我就放心了。

She has shifted off a load of anxiety. 她已消除了忧虑。

2.Spill: <口>泄露,说出(秘密等)。

spill out one's mind 说出自己的想法

3.The houselights are up:Lynette早已知道了Gabrielle的小心机,对她说:“我们打开天窗说亮话,别装了。”

4.drop the act: 别装了。来看例句:

Let's drop the act. 我们开门见山吧。

5.bluff:哄骗, 吓唬。Gabrielle也以其人之道还治其人之身,对Lynette说:“再怎么说我们也一起打了九年的牌了,我知道你什么时候在忽悠人。”

He could bluff his way through any difficulty. 他可以招摇撞骗闯过任何难关。




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