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Dangerous Dogs in Britain 英国有危险的犬
[ 2008-10-27 17:44 ]


Dangerous Dogs in Britain 英国有危险的犬

Dangerous dogs have been seized by the authorities



1. What are people using dogs as in the UK, according to the report?

2. True or false? Dog attacks on humans have nearly doubled in the last decade.

3. How are some owners avoiding medical treatment for their injured animals?

4. According to the RSPCA, what should be done to dangerous dogs?

Dangerous Dogs in Britain 英国有危险的犬Click here for answers

Dangerous Dogs in Britain 英国有危险的犬

Background: 英国一家动物保护慈善机构说,英国正在有越来越多的狗被人用作一种威胁工具。英国防止虐待动物协会说,攻击性狗的数量增加同贫民区的团火暴力活动有关。该组织呼吁采取紧急措施来对付它所称的英国最紧迫之一的社会问题。

Troublemakers 肇事者who don't want to risk arrest by carrying guns or knives are instead turning to dogs to settle their scores 算账, according to the RSPCA 英国防止虐待动物协会

The number of calls it gets about dog fights has gone up 15 times in the past three years, and the incidents are often linked to gangs 团伙;帮派 of youngsters.

A survey 调查 out today suggests that dog attacks on humans have gone up by nearly 50% in the past ten years, and the problem is particularly bad in urban areas.

The RSPCA's chief vet 首席兽医 Mark Evans says it is a serious social issue in Britain.

Police in London have also reported a large rise in the number of dangerous dogs seized in the past two years.

The RSPCA says some owners have their own veterinary kits 动物急救药箱, to stitch up 缝合 injured animals without bringing them to the attention of the authorities当局.

The charity 慈善组织 says all dogs need to be microchipped 微型芯片身份注册 and more dangerous ones should be neutered阉割.

However, it is keen to stress 急切地强调 that the problem is not with the animals themselves, but the owners.

GLOSSARY 词汇表 (收听发音, 请单击英语单词)



1. What are people using dogs as in the UK, according to the report?
Some people are using dogs as weapons instead of knives or guns.

2. True or false? Dog attacks on humans have nearly doubled in the last decade.
False. They have gone up by nearly half in the last ten years.

3. How are some owners avoiding medical treatment for their injured animals?
They use their own equipment to give the dog stitches.

4. According to the RSPCA, what should be done to dangerous dogs?
The RSPCA believes they should be neutered so that they cannot breed.

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