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YouTube Orchestra YouTube 乐队
[ 2009-04-23 09:32 ]

YouTube Orchestra YouTube 乐队 

YouTube Symphony Orchestra at Carnegie Hall in New York


Background: 由来自30个国家的90名音乐家组成的首创YouTube交响乐队在纽约首次演出。此前YouTube在网页上发起竞赛,任何人都上载个人演奏视频参赛。 经过筛选,这场竞赛的幸运获胜者们都飞到世界著名的卡内基音乐厅举行首演,他们只有三天时间进行排练。


1. How many musicians have come to New York for the performance?

2. How many people post audition videos on YouTube for the competition?

3. True or False? Michael Tilson-Thomas is a musical director.

4. All the winners have been to Carnegie Hall before.

YouTube Orchestra YouTube 乐队

They had just arrived from all the corners of the world on Sunday but there has been no time for sightseeing.

Grammy Award winning musical director Michael Tilson-Thomas had them straight to work.


There are some really phenomenally energetic and excellent players. And it’s been really interesting too how people are finding one another. At first there was a certain kind of tentativeness of where we are playing and exactly what are we doing, but it’s coming together very very quickly.

The 90 musicians have come to New York from as far away as Australia and South Korea - all for the chance to play at Carnegie Hall.

Over 3000 posted audition videos then 200 finalists were selected before YouTube viewers voted for the winners. Some have never left their home countries before let alone played in such a high profile venue.

They will perform an extensive programme which includes a specially written piece called Internet Symphony number 1 'Eroica'.

GLOSSARY 词汇表 (收听发音, 请单击英语单词)


1. How many musicians have come to New York for the performance?


2. How many people post audition videos on YouTube for the competition?


3. True or False? Michael Tilson-Thomas is a musical director.


4. All the winners have been to Carnegie Hall before.


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YouTube Orchestra YouTube 乐队
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