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The James Bond Pizza 邦德比萨饼
[ 2006-11-22 09:43 ]
How much is a pizza worth? |
Are you hungry? How about a pizza? Just be careful if you go to Bella Napoli, an Italian restaurant in the Scottish city of Glasgow. If you order a pizza there, it could cost you more than £2,000 (or 30,000 Yuan).
Chef Domenico Crolla hascreatedwhat he hopes will be the world's most expensive pizza. Thebaseof the pizza ishandmade doughand the toppings includecaviar, Scottishsmoked salmon,lobster marinated in cognacandvenison medallions– all apparently verypricey nibblesthat James Bond enjoys. The pizza even has thin slices of gold on it as its final touch.
Chef Crolla hasdubbedhis creation 'The Pizza Royale 007' in honour of the new James Bond film which has just been released in Britain. The Chef said 'If any pizza was madeto suit007, this is it.'
But what made him want to create such an expensive meal? For Domenico, it's all aboutcharity. He's hoping to raise money fora good cause. He's going to be donating all the money for the pizza to The Fred Hollows Foundation, a charity which helpsblind peopleindeveloping countries.
His pizza will be oneBay(the online auction website) until the 19th of November, giving people around the world the chance to bid for thisone-off creation.
If you're the lucky winning bidder, you'll have the option of having the pizza prepared for you in one of Domenico's restaurants in Glasgow or having him deliver it to your home.
In anexclusiveinterview with BBC Learning English he said he would even hand deliver this pizza to China so that he couldset another world recordfor the longest distance ever travelled to deliver a pizza. He visited Hong Kong as part of his 40th birthday celebrations in June 2006 and says he's very keen to visit China again soon.
But if even a slice of this pizza is too expensive for you, you could instead try one of Scotland's other famous dishes – a deep fried Mars bar. That's a cold chocolate bardeep fried in batterwhich you can buy for the moremodest priceof just 75 pence (or about 12 Yuan).