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Expo to make learning abroad as easy as ABC
[ 2007-10-19 15:00 ]



More than 30,000 visitors are expected to attend the study abroad-focused China Education Expo 2007 in Beijing tomorrow.

The annual expo, now in its eighth year, will see a record-breaking number of representatives from 600 overseas colleges and universities from 41 countries and regions.

Under the theme "Your Multiple Choices," the expo is expected to showcase the vast amount of high quality education programs available in China.

"We hope the expo will draw overseas participants closer to the visitors, who are becoming increasingly career-minded," Zong Wa, director of China Center for International Education Exchange which organized the expo, said.

An opportunity for overseas schools to expand into the world's potentially largest recruitment market, the event has drawn many sponsors including the British Embassy, German Academic Exchange Service or DAAD, International Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges, CampusFrance, Spanish Embassy, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and the Japan Student Services Organization.

Apart from information booths, presentations will be given to students so they can discover more about the wide range of study opportunities.

Besides Beijing, the expo will move to Qingdao, Wuhan, Shanghai, Xi'an, Chengdu and finally Shenzhen from October 23 to November 4.


1. Which organisation organised the education expo?

2. Name two other cities the expo will visit in China.

3. Which reprentatives from four European countries will be taking part?


1. The China Centre for international education exchange.

2. Qingdao, Wuhan, Shanghai, Xi'an, Chengdu and Shenzhen.

3. German, British, Spanish and French representatives.

(英语点津 Linda 编辑)

About the broadcaster:

Brendan is an Australian who has been involved in education and writing for over a decade. He has been published most recently for the Tiger Airways Inflight magazine, The Bangkok Post, The Taipei Times and Japan's Hiroshima Outside Magazine. He holds a Masters Degree in Community Development and Management and has resided in China for over 3 years.



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