[ 2009-05-22 15:09 ]

In the quest of keeping all of your gadgets charged up, nothing would be quite like using a bonsai tree that uses the sun to juice them up. Vivien Muller came out with this great concept from nature to charge your gadgets. PhotonSynthesis is a device which looks like a solar-cell bonsai. It can charge your cell phone, your MP3 player and a number of other electronic gizmos simply by plugging them into the tree. The tree possesses 54 photovoltaic panels which are powered by the sun during the day to charge up your gadgets. The solar energy is stored in a battery, allowing it to be used anytime. The adapters and cables fit neatly in a tray hidden beneath the tree.
Pretty different, hey? Each piece is also movable so you can make it even more original by creating your own shapes. Leave it by your window and you can rotate them to try and get more output if you find something charging slow.
This is a fun and great looking product that will save you money and give you that nice warm feeling to know that you're helping to save the planet too. The Solar Cell Tree Charger takes a lot less upkeep than your average household shrub, too. Just, ah, don't water it.