July 10 |
The German Air Force, the Luftwaffe, has mounted a series of attacks on shipping convoys off the south-east coast of England. |
July 7 |
At least 19 people have been killed in riots in Nigeria's biggest city, Lagos, following the death of the opposition leader. |
July 6 |
Nasa scientists have freed a robot from the space probe, Mars Pathfinder, allowing it to begin its exploration of the Red Planet at last. |
July 5 |
The Bank of England has closed down UK branches of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) over allegations of fraud. |
July 4 |
Israeli commandos have rescued 100 hostages, mostly Israelis or Jews, held by pro-Palestinian hijackers at Entebbe airport in Uganda. |
July 3 |
The former Gestapo chief, Klaus Barbie, has been sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity. |
July 1 |
Hong Kong has been handed back to the Chinese authorities-ending more than 50 years of British control. |
June 30 |
Millions of people have witnessed a total eclipse of the sun as the moon cast its shadow from America through Europe and on to Asia. |
June 29 |
Maria Estela Isabel Martinez de Peron has been sworn in as interim leader of the Argentine Republic. |
June 28 |
Margaret Thatcher is to give up her seat in the House of Commons at the general election. |
June 27 |
The link between smoking and lung cancer is one of 'direct cause and effect', a special report by the Medical Research Council has found. |
June 26 |
The US President, John F Kennedy, has made a ground-breaking speech in Berlin offering American solidarity to the citizens of West Germany. |
June 24 |
America's first woman in space has returned safely to Earth in the Challenger space shuttle after a successful six-day flight. |
June 23 |
Pope John Paul II has held a private meeting with Lech Walesa, the founder and leader of Solidarity, Poland's independent trade union movement. |
June 22 |
German forces have invaded the Soviet Union. |
June 21 |
Diana, Princess of Wales, has given birth to a boy sixteen hours after checking in to St Mary's Hospital, in London. |
June 20 |
British Chancellor John Major is proposing a new European currency which would circulate alongside existing national currencies. |
June 19 |
Fast food chain McDonald's has won a partial victory in its epic libel trial against two environmental campaigners. |
June 18 |
United States President Jimmy Carter and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev have signed Salt II, the first arms-reduction treaty between the two super powers. |