money laundering: 洗钱
[ 2006-04-26 10:48 ]
请看《中国日报》的相关报道:A draft bill to combat money laundering widens the scope of the proposed law from financial institutions to realtors, law and accounting firms and jewellers. Money laundering refers to the practice of moving illegally acquired cash through financial and other systems so that it appears to be legally acquired.
报道中的money laundering就是“洗钱”,而“反洗钱法案”则可表示为anti-money laundering bill。Launder在文中可用英语解释为to disguise the source or nature of illegal funds by channeling through an intermediate agent(通过中间代理人来隐藏非法资金的来源或性质,即让不合法的“脏钱”合法化)。
The transcripts are, of course, laundered since unidentified larger chunks of conversation are reported missing throughout.(录音带当然已被做过手脚,谈话中很多部分都不见了。)