[ 2006-08-03 09:00 ]
Sales of China'slodging and catering sectorreported a 15.3 percentyear on year increaseto 492.86 billion yuan in the first half of the year, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Commerce.
Catering(餐饮业)源于动词“cater”(提供饮食及服务,承办酒席)。现在酒店比较流行“承办婚宴”,cater在此可大派用场,看例句:My brother is running a restaurant and catering for weddings and parties.(我哥哥经营的餐馆可承办婚宴和其它各类宴会酒席。)
Lodging(住宿业)源于动词“lodge”(提供暂时性的住处)。日常生活中,lodge常用来指“借宿”或“出租”,如:The widow lodged college students in her home.(那个寡妇把家里的房子出租给大学生居住了。)
Year on year increase可理解为“与去年同期相比增长”,即汉语里所说的“同比增长”,由此,报道中的这句话就可翻译为:据商务部最新统计,2006年上半年全国住宿与餐饮业零售额累计4928.6亿元,同比增长15.3%。