[ 2006-08-25 09:13 ]
请看《中国日报》相关新闻报道:A woman tagged "Bird Loving Fish 521" who posted a diary of her abortion online has been strongly condemned by netizens for terminating the six-month pregnancy.
After consulting with her husband and parents, Fish decided to have an abortion after discovering through an ultra sound that the fetus had aharelip.
不管相关的八卦,不谈就此引发的道德争议,单看单词本身,“唇裂”很简单——harelip。Harelip(唇裂)是一种先天性疾病,指婴儿出生时上嘴唇有一个裂隙畸形,形同兔唇,故得名harelip(兔唇,唇裂)。另外,医学上,harelip常写做“cleft lip”或“cleft palate”。
相关链接:lip synching