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[ 2007-03-29 09:37 ]

哈利·波特系列大结局《哈利·波特与死圣》的脚步越来越近了。本周三,令人眩晕的《哈7》迷幻封面与读者见面,该封面依然由富有艺术灵气的美女设计师Mary GrandPre设计,分儿童版、成人版、美国版等版本。和过去不同的是,《哈7》的封面由单张材料制成,正面和背面是相连的。

相关图片Final Potter book cover revealed



《哈利•波特7》迷幻封面新鲜出炉 《哈利•波特7》迷幻封面新鲜出炉 《哈利•波特7》迷幻封面新鲜出炉
This image supplied by Scholastic on Wednesday March 28, 2007, shows the cover of the U.S. edition of the highly anticipated 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, 'J.K. Rowling's seventh and final Harry Potter book due in stores just after midnight on July 21, 2007.(AP Photo/Scholastic) The children's edition book jacket for the upcoming book 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' is shown in this undated publicity photograph released by Bloomsbury Publishing March 28, 2007. The book by author J.K. Rowling will be published July 21. [Reuters/Bloomsbury Publishing] The adult edition book jacket for the upcoming book 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' is shown in this undated publicity photograph released by Bloomsbury Publishing March 28, 2007. The book by author J.K. Rowling will be published July 21.[Reuters/Bloomsbury Publishing]

What picture shows a dramatic gold and orange sky and a teenage boy in glasses reaching upward?

It's the cover to the seventh and final Harry Potter book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,"coming outJuly 21. As always, the cover was designed by illustrator Mary GrandPre, U.S. publisher Scholastic, Inc., announced Wednesday.

"The structures around Harry show evident destruction and in the shadows behind him, we see outlines of other people," David Saylor, Scholastic's art director, said in a statement.

"For the first time, the cover is awraparound. On the back cover spidery hands are outstretched toward Harry. Only when the book is opened does one see a powerful image of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, his glowing red eyes peering out from his hood."

J.K. Rowling's fantasy series has sold more than 325 million copies worldwide. "Deathly Hallows" has an announced first printing of 12 million in the United States alone.

The cover for thechildren's editionreleased by Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, Rowling's British publisher, shows an adult-looking Harry, Hermione and Ron. The adult edition has a photograph of a locket bearing a serpentine "S" believed to be the "horcrux" in which Lord Voldemort keeps a fragment of his soul.



come out: (新书)发行,如:The author's new book just came out.(作家的新书刚出版。)


children's edition: 儿童版


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