豪门女星帕丽斯·希尔顿由于保释期内再次酒后驾车,上个月被判入狱45天。但她从周五进入监狱之后就一直不吃不睡。有消息称,她入狱后一直哭个不停并且及其孤僻。 |

A tourist poses with a wax figure of Paris Hilton dressed in prison wear at Madame Tussauds in New York in this June 4, 2007 file photo. [Reuters] |
Paris Hilton has not eaten or slept since arriving at the medical ward of a Los Angeles jail and is being given psychoactive drugs, celebrity Web site TMZ.com reported on Saturday, citing law enforcement sources.
The socialite and hotel heiress was ordered back to jail on Friday after a judge overruled a sheriff's decision to place her underhouse arrestfor psychological problems after she had spent three days of an expected three-week term behind bars.
The 26-year-old "has been crying a lot, praying" and is "extremely withdrawn," TMZ reported.
Hilton was visited by her psychiatrist, Dr. Charles Sophy, for more than two hours on Saturday morning. She was being held in a room by herself with a glass door that is guarded at all times, the report said.
Steve Whitmore, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County sheriff, declined to comment on the report. "Anything to do with her medical stuff I can't confirm or deny," he said.
A spokesman for Hilton could not immediately be reached for comment.
Hilton's early release by Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca sparked national outrage and accusations ofpreferential treatmentbecause of her celebrity status.
On Saturday, however, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Sauer's order to return her to custody was sparking controversy, with television pundits and others debating whether he had overstepped his bounds in overruling Baca.
Baca has defended his decision, saying that Hilton was under an early-release program established to ease jail overcrowding and that she was serving more time than other inmates in the same low-level category.
Hilton was sentenced to 45 days in jail last month for violating probation in adrunken-drivingcase by driving on a suspended license.
On Friday she trembled and cried quietly throughout the hearing, then broke into loud sobs when the judge ordered her back into custody.
"Mom, Mom. It's not right," she wailed as she was led out of the courtroom. Her mother, Kathy Hilton, also sobbed.
house arrest: 本宅软禁
preferential treatment:优待
drunken driving:酒后驾车
(实习生江巍 英语点津陈蓓编辑)