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August 24
[ 2006-08-24 08:00 ]


Michael Jackson has denied the allegations
1993: Michael Jackson accused of child abuse

England have

Police in Los Angeles are investigatingallegationsof child abuse made against singer Michael Jackson.

They have refused to give details but it has emerged that two of Mr Jackson's homes were searched at the weekend following allegations of child abuse.

It is reported that the father of one boy befriended by Mr Jackson has alleged the singerseducedthe child and performed sex acts with him.

Detectives are said to have interviewed the boy and other youngsters who visited Mr Jackson's Neverland ranch in Santa Barbara.

They include 12-year old actor Macaulay Caulkin, star of the Home Alone films.

The singer who is currently on tour in Thailand is aware of the allegations and issued a statement through his lawyer, Harold Weitzman.

"I am confident the police department will conduct a fair and thorough investigation and that the result will demonstrate that there was no wrong doing on my part," Mr Weitzman read.

The singer's security adviser, Anthony Pellicano, has said the allegation is part of a $20m extortion plot.

Around 30 such blackmail attempts were made against Mr Jackson each year, Mr Pellicano added.  

Rockhopper penguins suffer in the heat more than other breeds

1967: Penguins cool off in heat wave

Artificially 1969: FilmTheTheAA . Two penguins from Chessington Zoo have been taken on a day trip to a local ice-rink to cool off during London'sswelteringtemperatures.

As temperatures in the London area reached nearly 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius), Rocky the Rockhopper penguin and his female companion, who did not have a name, joined skaters at Streatham ice-rink.

Zoo-keepers at Chessington, concerned about the welfare of the two penguins in the sweltering heat, contacted the owners of the ice-rink who were only too happy to be of service.

And the penguins, who are more used to the cooler temperatures of the Antarctic, seemed delighted with their new icy surroundings.

They arrived at the Silver Blades ice-rink accompanied by their keepers Philip Gunstone and Jane Redding.

Miss Redding said: "These are Rockhopper penguins from the Falkland Islands.

"Rockhoppers are more bothered by the heat than our other kind - Humboldt penguins.

"Humboldts don't mind the hot weather."

As they were released from their box the pair waddled purposefully through the door of ice-rink which bore a sign reading "It's cooler inside."

As they made their way towards the ice they appeared completely unphased by the other skaters and once on the slippery surface conducted themselves with dignity and grace.

Staff at the ice-rink were so impressed they extended an invitation to the zoo's other 20 penguins and said the seals could even come along too!


allegation: the charge or matter undertaken to be proved(指控;主张)

seduce: to induce to engage in sexual intercourse(诱奸)

sweltering :excessively hot and humid or marked by sweating and faintness(酷热的)

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