Talk about burying the past. A New York divorcee has come up with a solution for
failed marriages -- a miniature coffin to lay those unwanted wedding rings
to rest.
"Give a dead marriage its proper, final resting place," the company
offering the miniature caskets says on its website.
"The Wedding Ring Coffin is the perfect gift for yourself or a loved
one for bringing closure after a divorce. It's time to bury the past and
move on to a new tomorrow," it says.
The 15 by five centimeter solid wood coffin has a black velvet ring
insert, a choice of six brass plaques inscribed with messages including "I
do NOT!" and "Six feet isn't deep enough," and costs 30 dollars.
"It's a way to acknowledge the death of a marriage and to physically
and symbolically close the lid on that chapter of your life," Jill Testa,
who came up with the idea, told the New York Post.
"Most people just stick their rings in the bottom of their jewelry box,
in a corner of a sock or underwear drawer," added Testa, who surprisingly
describes her own divorce after 20 years of marriage as amicable.