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[ 2007-05-10 18:29 ]

文化面面观  “石化”——传说中的魔法

考考你  乘热打铁


JUSTIN: What are you playing at?

RON: You're a Parselmouth! Why didn't you tell us?

HARRY: I'm a what?

HERMIONE: You can talk to snakes.

HARRY: I know. I mean, I accidentally set a python on my cousin Dudley at the zoo once... once! But so what? I bet loads of people here can do it.

HERMIONE: No. They can't. It's not a very common gift, Harry. This is bad.

HARRY: What's bad? If I hadn't told that snake not to attack Justin -

RON: Oh, that's what you said to it.

HARRY: You were there! You heard me!

RON: I heard you speaking Parseltongue. Snake language.

HARRY: I spoke a different language? But I didn't realize -- how can I speak a language without knowing I can?

HERMIONE: I don't know, Harry. But it sounded like you were egging the snake on or something. Harry, listen to me. There's a reason the symbol of Slytherin House is a serpent. Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth. He could talk to snakes, too.

RON: Exactly. And now the whole school's gonna to think you're his great-great-great grandson or something.

HARRY: But I'm not. I can't be.

HERMIONE: He lived a thousand years ago. For all we know... you could be.


1. Play at

Play at 在这里的意思是"做,参加,从事于", What are you playing at? 的意思就是"你在耍什么把戏?"此外,play at 还有以下一些常用意义:
1) 玩,做游戏,假扮……玩,例如:The children are playing at hide-and-seek. The children are playing at policemen and robbers.
2) 打球,打牌,例如:Can we play at cards this evening?
3) 儿戏似地做,不认真地干,例如:She was just playing at keeping house, letting the others do all the work.

2. Set on

这个片语也写做set upon,意思是"to attack or cause to attack someone physically or emotionally",例如:The man sets his dog on a stranger.

3. Loads of

Loads of 表示"许多的,大量的",也可以用 a load of 来表示同样的意思,例如:loads of parties during the holiday season,To the reader's disappointment, the leading article in this issue of the magazine is a load of rubbish.

4. Egg on

"怂恿,煽动某人做某事"的意思,例如:Jack is always egging me on to drive faster.

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