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[ 2007-09-03 18:00 ]


影片对白   I wanna be with you every minute of my life, that's why I gotta leave right now.


4. Big mouth

Big mouth 指的是“多嘴多舌的人,长舌妇”,片语 have a big mouth 的意思就是指人“多嘴多舌的,吵闹的,自夸的”,例如:After a few drinks, Dick turns into a big mouth about his accomplishments.

5. Drop out

意思是“Withdraw from participation in a group such as a school, club, or game; also, withdraw from society owing to disillusionment”,例如:He couldn't afford the membership dues and had to drop out.

6. Rat race

Rat race 指“A difficult, tiring, often competitive activity or routine. 无止境的争斗;疯狂的竞争,充满竞争性的日程”。


童年拾趣:经典动画Dragon Tales

Dragon Tales is an animated children's television series chronicling the adventures of the human children Max and Emmy (brother and sister respectively) and their friend Enrique. The television series was created by the late Nina Elias-Bamberger of Sesame Workshop, who also helped create Tiny Planets and other children's shows. It has been shown on the PBS Kids network in the United States since September 6, 1999.

Dragon Tales was created by Laguna Beach, California artist and retired educator, Ron Rodecker. Drawing upon a long career of painting whimsical dragons in watercolor, Rodecker created the characters for the hit TV show based upon experiences from his own life and his career working with children.

The children transport themselves to Dragon Land through the use of a magical scale given to them by a musical Dragon with the line, "I wish, I wish with all my heart to fly with Dragons in a land apart," at the beginning of each episode. They are then transported back to their world using the same refrain and the phrase, "I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home until next time.”

In Dragon Land, the children meet up with their Dragon friends — Cassie, Ord, Zak and Wheezie (the latter two being conjoined twins) — and their bilingual teacher, Quetzal, as they learn valuable life lessons, aided by the fact that the children are inexperienced with the magical flora and fauna of Dragon Land.



1. 别告诉玛吉任何机密的事情,她的大嘴巴是出了名的。

2. 她计划休学一年。

3. 奈杰尔弃学从商后,过了很长时期才适应于那种竞争激烈的环境。

Click《人生遥控器》(精讲之六)考考你 参考答案

1. 这项任务足以让我发疯。

That assignment is enough to make me lose my reason.

2. 我不想为了出书去拍马屁。

I don’t want to kiss ass to make my book published.


影片对白   I wanna be with you every minute of my life, that's why I gotta leave right now.


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