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The Da Vinci Code《达•芬奇密码》(精讲之三)

[ 2007-09-18 11:00 ]

文化面面观   Holy Grail —— 迷样圣杯

考考你   小试牛刀




Sophie: Yes.

Andre Vernet: Understood. Keys are often passed on and first-time users are sometimes uncertain of protocol. Keys are essentially numbered Swiss accounts. Often willed through generations. Is it yours, mademoiselle? The shortest safety-deposit-box lease is 50 years.

Sophie: And what's your longest account?

Andre Vernet: Quite a bit longer. Technologies change, keys are updated. But our accounts date back to the beginning of banking itself. Once the computer confirms your key, enter your account number and your box is retrieved. The room is yours, as long as you like.

Sophie: What if I lost track of my account number? How might I recover it?

Andre Vernet: I’m afraid each key is paired with a 10-digit number, known only to the account bearer. I hope you manage to remember it. A single wrong entry disables the system.

Sophie: Ten.

Robert: Ten. Your grandfather's Fibonacci sequence. Scrambled, unscrambled?

Sophie: Unscrambled.

Robert: It’s your key.

Sophie: Funny, I don't even like history. I’ve never seen much good come from looking to the past.

Robert: Moment of truth. My God. I don't believe this. A rose. The rose was a symbol for the Holy Grail.

Andre Vernet: Forgive the intrusion. I’m afraid the police arrived more quickly than I anticipated. You must follow me, please. For your own safety.

Sophie: You knew they were coming?

Andre Vernet: My guard alerted me to your status when you arrived. Yours is one of our oldest and highest-level accounts. It includes a safe-passage clause.

Robert: Safe passage?

Andre Vernet: If you would step inside, please. Time is of the essence.

Robert: In there?

Andre Vernet: Hey, is there a problem?

Fache: (French) Good evening, sir. Police.

Andre Vernet: (French) I just drive from here to Zurich. Not French, English?

Fache: English?

Andre Vernet: Yes.

Fache: OK. We are looking for two criminals.

Andre Vernet: You came to the right place. They're all criminals here.

Fache: Would you mind opening the hold?

Andre Vernet: Please. You think they trust us, the wages I get paid?

Fache: You don't have keys to your own truck?

Andre Vernet: It’s armored. Keys get sent to the destination. You mind? I’m on a schedule here.

Fache: And do all the drivers wear a Rolex?

Andre Vernet: What? This piece of shit. Forty euros in Barbes. Yours for 35.

Fache: No, no, no.

Andre Vernet: Thirty.

Fache: It’s okay, it's okay.

Andre Vernet: Come on, 30, eh?

Fache: I said, no! Move along!


1. How might I recover it?

“我怎样才能找回(密码)?”Recover 有“恢复,收回,取回”的意思,下次当你想说“我怎么能找回……”时不妨试试这句话。

2. Moment of truth

这个片语的意思是“A critical or decisive time, at which one is put to the ultimate test关键性或决定性的时刻”,例如:Now that all the bills are in, we've come to the moment of truth--can we afford to live here or not?


3. Alert to

Alert 作动词有“警告”的意思,当要“警告某人某事”的时候,通常和to 连用,例如:

The doctor alerted me to the dangers of smoking.

4. Piece of Shit

Shit 是个不可数名词,所以通常都是说 a piece of shit 或者 a pile of shit。因为 shit 通常都是废物,没用的东西(其实可以用作肥料的),所以,piece of shit 也常常用来表示“废物,废人,贱人”等等,例如:He's a piece of shit.

如果要另外加上形容词修饰the piece of shit的话,就要加在piece前面:He's a useless piece of shit. 他是个没用的废人。

5. Move along

这个动词短语表示的是“向前移动”的意思,用在祈使语气中,有命令的意味,例如我们常在战争片中听到军官们喊“Move along”,差不多就是“走,行动”的意思。


文化面面观   Holy Grail —— 迷样圣杯

考考你   小试牛刀

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