依法治国 Rule of Law
[ 2009-08-27 10:04 ]

A fundamental principle of governance that stresses that the country should be administered in accordance with the law.
It was formally raised as a fundamental principle in 1997 when former general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Jiang Zemin delivered his report to the 15th National Congress of the CPC. He stressed the principle should be fully observed as "socialist democracy is gradually institutionalized and codified so that such institutions and laws will not change with changes in the leadership or changes in the views or focus of attention of any leader."
This principle was reiterated by General Secretary Hu Jintao during the 17th CPC National Congress in 2007.
科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development
双拥 Double Support
社会主义荣辱观 Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace
三个代表 Three Represents
(英语点津 许雅宁编辑)