BBC Learning English 英语教学

Ending an Email 电子邮件结尾

Hello. Is it is ok for me to end an email with a single 'best', short for best wishes or best regards, like this one?

best, He Chuan


This week we're talking about ending emails. There are many words you can use to sign off an email. It all depends on who you are sending it to. What you write can be interpreted differently from how you may have spoken those words.

A lot of it is about using the appropriate tone and choosing words appropriate to the situation. A business email should end quite formally and always politely using phrases such as best regards and yours sincerely.

As you communicate more, you can then mirror that person's level of formality.

Read your email carefully before sending it

When you can be more informal you could use phrases such as thanks, best wishes or cheers!

Join Rob and Feifei as they practice their email etiquette – or netiquette.

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