BBC Learning English 英语教学

今天的《你问我答》节目回答 Peter 提出以上问题。首先是中文解释,然后是英语解释加大量例句。

"我是一个在国内的学生,我对 possession 这个词的单复数拿捏不准,以至于现在不敢用这个词。Possession 这个词语是单复数同型,还是它就仅是单数名词。比如我想说"好朋友是人生的一大财富", 我该如何表述? Good friends are (is) valuable possession of my life. 这里是用 are 还是 is? 初次发邮件,激动万分。 "


The basic meaning of the word possession is the state of owning something, something you have or something you are carrying with you.

When it is used in the abstract sense it is an uncountable noun and the verb should correspond, is instead of are.

For example:

The possession of a degree does not guarantee you a job.


When it is used to refer to something specific, like cars or jewellery, then it is a plural noun, 'possessions'. The verb should be plural as well.

For example:

Please remember to take all your personal possessions when you leave the train.

There are some useful phrases involving the word 'possession'. Join Neil and Yang Li for a light-hearted vocabulary lesson.

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