A steam train arrives at Moorgate underground station in London to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the network. Photo: John Stillwell/PA Wire.
The London Underground network, often referred to as the Tube, celebrated its 150th anniversary recently. Special events were held across the network, with some lucky passengers being allowed to travel on this steam train, which was built in 1898.
伦敦地铁网或通常说的“管道”(the Tube)最近举行了150周年庆典并展开了各种各样的活动。一些幸运乘客还获准坐上了这列1898年制造的蒸汽火车。
如果形容某人做事的状态是 full steam ahead, 意思就是此人全力以赴, 蓬勃向前。
We must get this project finished before the presentation tomorrow. Come on, full steam ahead, team!
Natalie went full steam ahead with the plans for her wedding.
John, Sarah and Michael went full steam ahead in their attempt to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.
如果你 let off steam, 那就是说你一股脑地发泄出愤怒和失望情绪,通常以大声喊叫的形式来出气。
I'm sorry I shouted at you earlier, I was just letting off some steam.